Summary: Normally you cant see the troop count, types, or any parties currently in a settlement if you are not within the range to see them. But it is currently possible to see all the information about a settlement that's normally marked as "???". I think that's an oversight and not intended for the settlements you're not actually in the range of.
In the screenshot above the detailed information about the town is not seen because the player is far away.
But you can get all the concealed info on encyclopedia;
Pressing ALT gives even more details about the parties in the settlement, full troop types, lords and their names etc. That pretty much defeats the purpose of FoW
How to Reproduce: Bring up the encyclopedia page, hover over any settlement name and press ALT to see all the details that normally should not be seen unless the player is in the range of the settlement.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video): Above
Computer Specs:
GPU Driver Version:
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):

In the screenshot above the detailed information about the town is not seen because the player is far away.
But you can get all the concealed info on encyclopedia;

Pressing ALT gives even more details about the parties in the settlement, full troop types, lords and their names etc. That pretty much defeats the purpose of FoW
How to Reproduce: Bring up the encyclopedia page, hover over any settlement name and press ALT to see all the details that normally should not be seen unless the player is in the range of the settlement.
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video): Above
Computer Specs:
GPU Driver Version:
Storage Device (HDD/SSD):
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