Resolved (Typo) There are some minor typos in the game

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Policy Typos
  • Kingdom policies Crown Duty and Road Tolls have typos. "payed" should be written "paid". (If you have written "payed" anywhere else please correct the typo)
  • Kingdom policy Citizenship has the description text go over the horizontol bottom line.
  • Kingdom policy Royal Guard has an empty space before the text "ruler clan gains 1 influence per day."

Perk Typos
  • The proper written form for weapon tags is: "One-Handed", "Two-Handed".
    • Every instance where it reads "One handed" or "Two handed" should be replaced.
  • Polearm and Two-Handed perks Extra HP list "+3%" extra HP. One-Handed perk Extra HP I lists a flat extra "+3" HP.
  • One-handed skill description should read: "Mastery of fighting with one-handed weapons, either with or without a shield."
    • The tooltip for How to learn instructs your to fight with a short weapon. What weapon length is considered short? (Same for Two-handed description).
  • Polearm skill description has a typo: should read "similar" (and in the text "two-handed" is missing the dash)
  • Bow skll description has a typo: should read "familiarity".
  • One-handed perk Shield Bearer should read: "Shields won't affect your character's combat weight".
  • One-handed Sword Master perks should read "...if a one-handed sword is equipped". (Same goes for Bury the Hatchet and Bruiser)
  • One-handed perk Raider I should read "...whenever a one-handed weapon is wielded." (Also remove the "Player" wording, as it implies it won't benefit NPCs?)
  • The description text for "(active)" perks are missing an empty space after the period / full stop ".".
  • Medicine perk Clean Infrastructure should read: "....sanitation and health increase the daily prosperity bonus by 1 per day."
  • Engineering perk Builder lists the bonus as "x1.5". Other perks usually list the bonus in percentages (eg. "+50%")
  • Riding perk Sharpshooter has the percentage symbol before the value ("%15").
  • Bow perk Howling Bolt increases arrow flight and damage, but the name of the perk refers to crossbow bolts. (Bows use arrows; crossbows use bolts).
  • Throwing perk Master Thrower increases "weapon flight speed and damage". Weapon is a very generic term. Consider replacing with "Thrown weapon".
  • Athletics perk Endurance has different style description from other HP increase perks.
  • Athletics perk Unburdened, like many other perks, are missing the period / full stop.
  • Athletics perk Perk Form has "}" instead of percentage symbol.
  • Smithing perks Experienced Smith, Master Smith and Legendary Smith reads "requierements". Should read "requirements"
  • Smithing Perk Sharpened Edge. Consider changing the word "crafted" to "forged".
    • I recall seeing the term "smithed weapons" (something similiar) somewhere in the perk tree. Consider changing the term to "forged".
  • Leadership perk Staur Defender. No idea what "Staur" is supposed to mean? Stout?
  • Leadership perk Citizen Militia has the percentage symbol before the value ("%20").
  • Leadership perks Inspiring Leader, Public Speaker and Disciplinarian have an empty space before the period / full stop.
  • Leadership perk Public Speaker uses diagonal slash differently from other examples.
  • The two final Leadership perks are both called Ultimate Leader.
  • The 250 skill point Charm perk is called CharmExtra1 and has an incomplete description.
Miscellaneous Typos
  • Women of noble status are referred to as noblemen when they should be referred to as noblewomen (eg. Maraa - Nobleman of Aserai).
  • Description text for deceased characters who were reputed to be brave have an empty space before the text "brave".
  • On a live stream I noticed an unit was named something "Seargent". Should be written "Sergeant".
  • Inventory tabs "Shields&Ranged" and "Horses&Harness" are missing empty spaces on either side of the ampersand symbol.
  • The inventory "Misc." tab could be renamed to "Miscellaneous".
  • The tooltip for weapon slots in inventory always labels them as "Melee weapons" no matter what is equipped or if they are empty. Misleading since you can equip shields and ranged weapons.
  • The label for hand armor and leg armor should be in plural (eg. "gloves", "boots")
  • The tooltip when hovering over Party Size on worldmap is missing an empty space for prisoner count (currently "Prisoners99")
  • In dialogue screen when the player character can introduce themselves, there is an option to say: "My name is XXXX sir. May I ask your name?" There should be a comma after the character's name: "My name is XXXX, sir."
  • Dialogue: the dash to use in dialogue should be "—" (em dash) with no empty spaces. The quest dialogue for Overpriced Goods should read: "They don't care if they ruin us—they can always sell the goods elsewhere."
    • Further along the quest dialogue, the NPC refers to the player as "Yes my lord." Should read "Yes, my lord."
    • Before the player can confirm the quest, the NPC repeats the dialoge they said earlier, almost word for word.
    • "Somewhat with a good understanding...." Should read "Someone with a good understanding..."
  • Gameplay option setting Third Person Camera Distance description should read: "Determines how far the camera will be in third-person".
    • Also the name of the option should include a hyphen: "Third-Person Camera Distance".
  • Capitalization in titles: capitalize the first word of a title, the last word, and every word in between except articles (a, an, the), short prepositions (of), and coordinating conjunctions. Eg. "Number Of Ragdolls" should read "Number of Ragdolls".
I'm sure there are many more typos and whatnot, and I understand the game is in Early Access. Good job, been waiting a long time for this game. All that said. PLEASE have a professional English speaker (or a multitude of them) proofread the game! :smile:
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I've found a few more:
With the Company of Trouble quest, when speaking with a noble, the noble will ask,
"How though are they?" before your dialogue selections. That should be tough, not though.
In addition, in the same dialogue tree, one possible answer is 'The men knows how to...' which should be 'The men know how to...'
Hello, sorry for the late reply. We have fixed a considerable amount of the problems we have encountered so far and improved the game performance with the multiple patches we have released. Please make sure that your game, your drivers, and OS are up to date and the game has necessary permissions over your security software. Please let us know if the problem persists after completing these steps and verifying the integrity of the game files through Steam.
Hi, I will mark the issue as resolved. If you encounter the same one in the latest version, please let me know. Thanks!
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