Two suggestions

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Okay, this first one is pretty simple. Right now, if you try giving Marnid or Borcha a gift, and they can't pay for it, there are 2 options: "Let's think of something else." or "Just pay what you can." I propose the addition of a third option, "It's a gift." For one, this sort of helps create a feeling of camraderie. You value the character's place in the party, and are repaying him, or you're simply trying to help him be a better warrior. In either case, no payment should be necessary. Furthermore, it lets a hero build up his finances, so down the line, he might have the money to pay you for even better gear.

Second, what about an option to haggle? I just got another one of those caravan escort missions, escorting a caravan from Tulga to Revadin. But y'know, that's a dangerous area! I haven't had to fight any Khergits yet, but I had to fend off two large parties of Vaegir deserters back to back! I thought about requesting a pay raise depending on how many enemies you had to fight, but then I realized that no, you're being paid to do a job, mindful of the risks. But what about demanding a higher price for some of these missions? For instance...

"1,000 denars? This area is infested with enemies of all description! I won't do it for less than 2,000!"

"Sargoth is on the other side of Calradia! The demand on my time and safety deserves twice that pay!"

And so on...
I like these suggestions. The success/failure rate of haggling could be dependent on the trading skill.
Yes, I imagine trading skill would have to come into it, but I was also thinking maybe it could be dependent on your reputation, which other threads have discussed. As an unknown, your demands for more money will likely be rebuffed. As your reputation in battle grows, it becomes more likely that your demand for double pay will be refused, but the merchant will compromise at a 50% pay raise. Finally, once you've defeated bandit band after bandit band, your demand will likely be accepted. The merchants know of you, and know that you can almost certainly perform. You have a right to be expensive.
I like the idea.

Instead of reputation, which has not been implemented... what about basing it on your charisma?
GreenKnight said:
Okay, this first one is pretty simple. Right now, if you try giving Marnid or Borcha a gift, and they can't pay for it, there are 2 options: "Let's think of something else." or "Just pay what you can." I propose the addition of a third option, "It's a gift." For one, this sort of helps create a feeling of camraderie. You value the character's place in the party, and are repaying him, or you're simply trying to help him be a better warrior. In either case, no payment should be necessary. Furthermore, it lets a hero build up his finances, so down the line, he might have the money to pay you for even better gear.
Or make them remember how much they owe you, so they won't rob you the next time you want something from their inventory.
here's an idea. have m&b get some of the loot from fighting to keep for themselves. this will allow you to trade with them and may be a better option than just having m&b save up their denars.

haggleing is kind of already in the game in the form of the trade characteristic, it just takes out the annoying part [of hitting the h button until the price is the lowest it will go].
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