Two handed weapon ?

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Hello folks,

I have to say, first of all, thank you for this great mod, I'm having a lot of fun with it.
And I do have a little question, about weapons : I'm playing a kind of badass monk with a two handed axe. And I searched, maybe badly, for a guide on weapons and I didn't find anything about it, or more especially about two handed weapons. I would like to know if it is possible for me to find a better two handed axe/sword than the best axe you can find in a town market ? (I'm playing with the french translation of the mod, I guess it is the robust two handed axe or something like this, the better version of the axes, the one with the red and white stick).

Thank you and have a good day !

(Sorry if I did some english faults)
Attack the "Cave" in the western mountains of Scotland (Pictland in the era).  If you defeat the bandits inside, you get some great loot including the special 2H axe named "My Wife"  It's badass!
Oh ok, thank you ! I just became a vassal of the pictish king, so that's quite nice, it's in the neighbourhood ! And nice signature by the way.
you can always use Morgh's tools to edit your items.
if you get to endgame, its always fun to make a super set of weapons/armor for you and your companions.

after conquering half of the map i made myself a 1h axe, 2h axe, bow, throwing spear, shield, and mounted wolf set for all my companions.
riding around on huge mounted wargs like vikings from hell swinging axes hrhrhrhrhr doesnt get better than this.
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