Two-Handed Throwing Weapon

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What's the chances of a two handed throwing weapon? (specifically an axe).

How would it be done?

Could it be done?

I know animations would have to be made.

I was thinging just over the right shoulder.

If anyone has any info they think might be of use, it would be much appreciated.
You should set it to use the overhand chop animation.  That would look sweet.  It might not even be that difficult.  The itm_two_handed_weapon part you need to could probably go here where I have it for the flintlock musket.
["flintlock_musket", "Flintlock Musket", [("flintlock_musket",0)],itp_type_musket|itp_merchandise|itp_type_two_handed_wpn|itp_primary|itp_bonus_against_shield, itcf_shoot_musket|itcf_reload_musket, 2000 , weight(1.5)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(4:cool: | shoot_speed(160) | thrust_damage(90 ,pierce)|max_ammo(1)|accuracy(80),imodbits_none,
[(ti_on_weapon_attack, [(play_sound,"snd_pistol_shot"),(position_move_x, pos1,27),(position_move_y, pos1,36),(particle_system_burst, "psys_pistol_smoke", pos1, 12)])]],
One thing I don't fully understand is where the weapon animations are stored for the various weapon types.  For example a lot of weapons use the animations itc_scimitar, but where are those set?  If you could get access to those you could copy the throwing weapon one and change the one handed throw animation to a two handed throw animation. 
Berserker Pride said:
One thing I don't fully understand is where the weapon animations are stored for the various weapon types.  For example a lot of weapons use the animations itc_scimitar, but where are those set?
Thanks very much. That does sound like the best idea and it saves me making an animation.

I actually made this thread for future reference which, I now realise, wasn't the best idea as I can't test it now.

I'll lock it for now but I'll bokmark it and necro it when I get round to it.
Ya. Just simply give it the twohanded-overhand chop animation. And give it the itc_two_handed and make it a throwable weapon. And it's all set. Not harder than that. I've made it myself a few times.
It's not that simple. Animations are hardcoded to weapon types, so you can't just add new animations for egzisting weapon types (only change them). So you'll not be able to create throwing weapon that uses twohanded overswing animation without altering egzisting animations for one of throwable weapons.
Go with what Slaromir is saying and replace one of the existing throwing animations with the overhead chop.  You won't have to change anything else but adding itp_two_handed to the item.  Damn I'd say get rid of the rock but then the axe won't stick.
Maybe if you listed an axe sheath like the javelins have it would start using it.
I wonder if you could duplicate an animation so that you wouldn't have to overwrite an existing throwing type.
Berserker Pride said:
Maybe if you listed an axe sheath like the javelins have it would start using it.
Nahh I tried that.

["2hthrowing_axes", "Two-Handed Throwing Axes", [("battle_ax",0),("battle_ax", ixmesh_carry)], itp_type_thrown |itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_bonus_against_shield|itp_two_handed,itcf_throw_2h|itcf_carry_quiver_back|itcf_show_holster_when_drawn,241, weight(5)|difficulty(1)|spd_rtng(99) | shoot_speed(15) | thrust_damage(38,cut)|max_ammo(7)|weapon_length(53),imodbits_thrown ],

It didn't work.

Berserker Pride said:
I wonder if you could duplicate an animation so that you wouldn't have to overwrite an existing throwing type.

I think that's hardcoded. I can't find where the link is made between header_items and module_animations. It would be nice, though.
captain lust said:
I can assure you, Bjorn, It's not that simple.
Oh dear god! Yes it is that simple. I don't know why you people allways make it harder for you than it is. But yes. It is that simple. I've done it myself.
bjorne. said:
captain lust said:
I can assure you, Bjorn, It's not that simple.
Oh dear god! Yes it is that simple. I don't know why you people allways make it harder for you than it is. But yes. It is that simple. I've done it myself.

If you do that, they just chop and don't release the axe. It's working now, anyway so it doesn't matter.

Does anyone have any ideas about taking the axes from a a back slot, instead of them just appearing in hand?
Yup. You need to assign these two itcf_ bits to your item. itcf_carry_quiver_back & itcf_show_holster_when_drawn. You can also make your own itc_ bit, as shown in my newest tutorial (in signature).

I'd just like to be completely unhelpful and say the axe-throwing clansmen look bad-ass. The animation is pretty much flawless as well.
cdvader said:
Yup. You need to assign these two itcf_ bits to your item. itcf_carry_quiver_back & itcf_show_holster_when_drawn. You can also make your own itc_ bit, as shown in my newest tutorial (in signature).


I added them but they didn't draw them from the back. All that does is make the quiver appear.

I'm trying to make them to put their hand around and take the next axe from their back. Any thoughts?

Austupaio said:
I'd just like to be completely unhelpful and say the axe-throwing clansmen look bad-ass. The animation is pretty much flawless as well.

A comment like that is not unhelpful. Thankyou very much.
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