It would be nice of specific weapons were made dual wield. Such as nomad sabres, scimitars, etc. Not longswords, fighting axes, or anything like those. Weapon length, weight, etc. would have to be put in to consideration. Nomad sabres are long, yes, but they are lightweight. You could easily hold a nomad sabre in each hand, thus enabling you to block your enemy with one and strike with the other. Right clicking could control the left sword and left clicking would control the right sword (left click = primary = right side, right click = secondary = left side). If you right clicked while an enemy was swinging/preparing to swing, you would attempt to block the swing, thus enabling you to strike with your other sword.
People who used 2 weapons simultaneously (spelling?), or at the same time, were purely offensive people. If you had 2 swords, your defensive capabilities were extremely low, and constantly attacking was your only option. If you could keep the enemy from attacking, then you would live. To keep them from attacking, however, you would need to keep swinging and swinging, never stopping, so that they would have to defend constantly. If you were going against a shielded enemy, and you had 2 swords, you could shatter their shield pretty quickly, enabling you to finish them off.
Personaly, I think dual wielding would be an awesome addition, for ONE HANDED WEAPONS of CERTAIN TYPES. No dual wield longswords or fighting axes. The only way I'd use a scimitar is if I could dual wield the sucker with another