Tweak Archer combat, perhaps?

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I looked briefly through the posts and did not immediately see anything of this nature, so I thought I'd let you know.

I love the combat (as everyone else does too :smile: ) but in combat (I've noticed specifically in Tourneys) if you are an archer without a horse, you are pretty much screwed, especially if there is more than one foot soldier still around.

If you have a sheild, you can take down two other guys if you're good at the combat manuevers, but as a lone archer, once the other guys get up next to you, they attack faster than you can fire an arrow, and you can't run away, so basically its impossible.

The best suggestion I can think of is slightly increasing the "run" speed, but then also causing a speed penalty for attacks. So if a footsoldier is running after you and swings, he will fall farther behind, and if you are just straight running, you have a chance of getting far enough away to attack.

Thanks for the amazing game :smile: Keep up the great work!
Well... could i suggest you to bring your athletics skill up AND to NOT wear any kind of armor?

Armor is useful for footmen and knights... an archer, having to stay AWAY from the enemy, does not need that kind of protection, and trust me, with good athletics and no armor you'll outrun practically anything :smile:

Or did you think you could win the 100-meters specialty at the olimpics while wearing a full plate mail? :grin:
Well, randomstuph, welcom the Mat..., hm, real world :smile:.
In RL, you sure as hell cannot run&gun like you can in CS. To be a successful archer, you must either have a horse... or an entourage of footmen that will cover your arse (to prevent it from being screwed :wink:) while you dish out the damage, flanking the enemy troops.
Well, with high athletics and no armor it's possible to outrun enemy troops, and perhaps even pick off a few... but it will only work on river pirates (or equally lame troops, like peasants). Other archers will shoot you down, and horsemen will gladly impale you or chop to tiny bits.
Not to mention that better troops have shields...
Lone archer in the field is an oxymoron.
I like the way archery is and don't want it changed. However in tournaments I think they should at least get an axe/dagger or something to defend themselves melee (come on, who doesnt have a sword or something equipped with their range weapons outside of tournies) :smile:
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