[TWC] Grand Finals ($1000 prize)

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Even though it's nice for people to donate, for future reference, instead of going off word of mouth, retrieving the 'promised' donations before the tournament started is a must, otherwise people could just claim to have a large prize pool, get loads of sign ups and then bun off the prize after the tournament finished.
Even though it's nice for people to donate, for future reference, instead of going off word of mouth, retrieving the 'promised' donations before the tournament started is a must, otherwise people could just claim to have a large prize pool, get loads of sign ups and then bun off the prize after the tournament finished.
100% agreed tho in Joe's case, he was the donator of several tournaments in the past where he always paid what was announced in the first place, so it probably seemed enough of a guarantee in Gibby's eyes.
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