Turning off weapon breaking?

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As much as it adds to the realism, I find that having my new sword break in its first or second battle is more irritating than anything. I remember seeing a thread about this in one of the previous versions but couldn't find the topic.

So the question is can I have a permanent blade, or am I stuck buying replacements every week.
I honestly should have thought of that. Thanks for the tip. I just got a little irritated when my newly bought pictish longsword exploded after 2 fights.
Just the Basic one as far as I know. It's one of the new items introduced cost me something like 800-1000. I fully expected my basic hatchet to be destroyed fast (1/2 fight) but the longsword was a surprise since it cost a fair bit and had some good stats.
Axes are much sturdier than swords, at least in reality. I have no idea how the mod calculates the break probabilities and it would be nice to know. Not the actual numbers, just the factors involved.
i.e. does it track damage in some way and accumulate it in a long fight (gradually increasing chance to break on any given strike?), is it a function of damage delivered in any given hit, regardless of previous hits? or it is just a flat probability that corresponds the quality flag (chipped, normal, balanced...)?
I agree with the weapon breaking being annoying.  My starter spear broke on the first hit.  The spear I bought to replace it broke after around 10 hits.

The weapons breaking would be a lot more balanced if they had a simular system to the shields implemented where they have a durability rating and hit points, and set weapons durability and hit points based on the material the weapon is made from as well as the quality of the weapon, and after the battle have a chance of being able to repair the weapon (making it lower quality, but still usable)
Idibil said:
Actually, break is calculating by hit, it is more easy to break if you have low quality weapons, and very difficutl if you have high quality weapons.

Something's def. wrong with swords. I had a chipped sword - it just broke after 1 hit! Then i bought basic quality saxon sword - hell it just broke after ONE hit. How the hell can a good basic quality sword break after 1 hit?
mouthnhoof said:
Axes are much sturdier than swords, at least in reality.

How do you mean? Swords are made by iron/steel. Axes has a wooden handle, witch break much easier than metal. By the way iron doesn't break, but bends. Hardend steel breaks on the other hand. High quality swords were made by Damascus's smithing, blending steel with iron. It makes a hard blade that dont blunt easy as iron does.

It isnt possible, Shields system is for shields and I cannt add it to swords (hardcore).
Really, it is a problem that quality sword break to one hit.

If somebody can try different quality same sword and see break rates, it will be nice.
Gutshot said:
mouthnhoof said:
Axes are much sturdier than swords, at least in reality.
How do you mean? Swords are made by iron/steel. Axes has a wooden handle, witch break much easier than metal. By the way iron doesn't break, but bends. Hardend steel breaks on the other hand. High quality swords were made by Damascus's smithing, blending steel with iron. It makes a hard blade that dont blunt easy as iron does.
Well there is a huge variation in axes, some were just the normal working tool (thick wedge cross section) also applied to bashing skulls while others were specifically made for war (thin, light, cutting blade). What damaged in an axe is the blade, not the handle which is extremely hard to break if made from an appropriate kind of wood (especially since it is relatively short and thick). The axe blade edge is supported by a wide metal area behind which is also typically much thicker than a sword's blade, even for the thinner and lighter war axes. What will most likely happen to the axe blade is that it chips. A sword blade that is damaged by chipping is much more likely to break, which is why swords never block edge-to-edge and are never used to bash anything with the sharp edge.
I cant see how you can break a sword by chipping it. Yes the edge gets damaged and you have hours of fun trying too better it, but not much more. Swords are often found bent, but that were part of a ritualistic offering.

BTW, is it possible to add a visible meter of how damaged your current weapon is, as well as the possibility to repair the damaged but not broken weapons(probably by paying the blacksmiths)?
I mean, we can see how damaged WE are, why can't we see how damaged our weapons are? For the maintaintence of weapons, I guess it would not be historically out of place?
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