Turn off double speed

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Is there a way to turn off double speed so I only have one speed?

Personally I don't want to just click to go quick it feels like cheating to me.
I want to play like warband where time goes nice and slow and party speed matters and I don't have to reset to a slower speed every time I click twice.

I have seen the mod that can triple speed so I was wondering if anyone knows how to remove double speed so when you double click it doesn't speed up

I don't know how to mod this in never modded and I can't watch any vids on how to learn to mod cause my internet is **** atm anyways I would probably break something if I tried to mod.

If you download Better Time, you could set the variables to 1/1/1 instead of 2/3/4
This, or Kaoses Tweaks has a time speed setting.
I don't understand, don't you have to press 3 to go quick(makes everything quick)? Just like on warband you had to hold..... I forgot.... it's on theleft corner of the kb...
Double clicking on the map will speed it up, and waiting in towns by default.
Warband had the same feature you just need to press a different button and it's not cheating, i always imagined it as travelling "carelessly" cause if you are not prepared a bigger enemy force can easily catch up to you in double speed.
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