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I love the game, definitely worth dishing out a measly 12 bucks for, but the problem I have is trust. Has anyone had a bad experience when giving their credit card number to buy this game?

If not, great! If so, I don't feel like taking a risk.

Thanks in advance for your responses, it means a lot :wink:
I had no problems. The single charge appeared (iirc) something like Tale Worlds $11. I had no misgivings since others on different forums had registered without complaints.
Don't worry...

But if you are a bit afraid just check up on your account a few times the next week. If anything happens, then your bank should cover it as long as you have a print of the transcript (you also get an email you get the info on).
I've had no problems, I've never had creditcard problems online. And I've played quite some MMO games.
The purchase is done through a third party site, and this site is honest (not that Armagan isn't, but it takes personal crisis and possibilities completely out of the issue.)

It is a legit company that can be legally held responsible, sued, and fined if there are any failures of compliance.

I believe, in part, that this third party liability, and not his, is why he doesn't accept checks or cash as payment, however he has made no statement as to the validity of the last opinion.
I think you're just paranoid. You don't actually give TaleWorlds your credit card number, but instead you make the purchase through a middle-man, which helps ensure your safety. The company is eSellerate in case you want to look it up.
I had no problems so far, I checked this middle company on the web, all the https certificates seemed OK for transaction, and conpany profile on the web seemed too serious to be fraud or anything, it takes years to build a wep page they have with all the customer links, some major brands included.
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