Trouble with new map?

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I was in Ravensburg, and clicked to go to Rane. Instead of pathing across that nearby bridge, i started going in the opposite direction. So I manually rode towards the bridge. No go.

Anyone else having this problem?
Yes. The bridge is broken in 2.01

I'm done playing until a fix goes up... I don't want to go too far and have to restart again.
Ehris has said he would upload a fix, but he has not.  I'm trying to figure out the map editor myself.  It's not easy :smile:
Maeglin Dubh said:
Yes. The bridge is broken in 2.01

I'm done playing until a fix goes up... I don't want to go too far and have to restart again.

I cannot foresee a map fix that would require a restart, unless other fixes were thrown in.

Chris, if you read this, I recommend just putting land under the bridge that's already there.  Simple, and should be perfectly compatible with save games.  I cannot get my map editor to work, or I'd give it a shot myself to see if that works.
I think that this kinda fits in here. I'm having a problem with the new map, I can't go further west than Ravenstern and Torbah. Anyone know what this is?
SoTAL said:
I think that this kinda fits in here. I'm having a problem with the new map, I can't go further west than Ravenstern and Torbah. Anyone know what this is?

Check the first line of your module.ini.  Any time the camera is being blocked on the west too soon, I find that I have to alter my module.ini.
make sure your second line starts with "map_min_x=".  If it is on the first line, remove any ascii characters you have after the module title, press enter to move the min_x coordinate down a line and the camera should no longer be stopped from scrolling to the west all the way.
Mapfix is here.,67248.msg1738630.html#msg1738630

It tended to get lost in the noise with 40 people posting at once in that thread... :smile:

Misguided said:
Mapfix is here.,67248.msg1738630.html#msg1738630

It tended to get lost in the noise with 40 people posting at once in that thread... :smile:


You sure that is the right fix?  When I tried it, it completely stuffed up the map.  I believe that is his mapfix to make old savegames compatible with the new map, not a fix for new games and the new map.

It took me a few minutes with Thorgrimm's editor to fix this myself.  The result isn't pretty (landbridge), but it's functional.

Faradon has a fix posted here.

This fix works for:

patched 2.0 to 2.1 using 2.1 patch only (from repository)
fresh DL of PoP 2.1 (300meg dl from repository)

and ONLY if your starting a fresh game.  Not sure if it works with previous saves (pretty sure it doesnt)  but there is a fix somewhere else for that.

ty faradon and to everyone that has helped with this.  ty Chris for the map cleanup looks great!  (well aside from the bridge thing, but thats .. um.. water under the bridge now) HA!

The Zue said:

Faradon has a fix posted here.

This fix works for:

patched 2.0 to 2.1 using 2.1 patch only (from repository)
fresh DL of PoP 2.1 (300meg dl from repository)

and ONLY if your starting a fresh game.  Not sure if it works with previous saves (pretty sure it doesnt)  but there is a fix somewhere else for that.

ty faradon and to everyone that has helped with this.  ty Chris for the map cleanup looks great!  (well aside from the bridge thing, but thats .. um.. water under the bridge now) HA!

It works also with previous saves.
EDIT: With "previous saves" you mean saves of 2.01 or 2.00?
Of couse my fix only works with a 2.01 savegame ...
AARGH! My head will explode because of those things here  :grin:
SoTAL said:
Thanks kaeldragor, that fixed the problem  :smile:

I don't know why, but it happens to me every once in a while, and other people have the same download and don't get the problem.  *shrug*

Glad I could help out.
faradon said:
The Zue said:

Faradon has a fix posted here.

This fix works for:

patched 2.0 to 2.1 using 2.1 patch only (from repository)
fresh DL of PoP 2.1 (300meg dl from repository)

and ONLY if your starting a fresh game.  Not sure if it works with previous saves (pretty sure it doesnt)  but there is a fix somewhere else for that.

ty faradon and to everyone that has helped with this.  ty Chris for the map cleanup looks great!  (well aside from the bridge thing, but thats .. um.. water under the bridge now) HA!

It works also with previous saves.
EDIT: With "previous saves" you mean saves of 2.01 or 2.00?
Of couse my fix only works with a 2.01 savegame ...
AARGH! My head will explode because of those things here  :grin:

LOL.  have some wine and a couple vic's.. does me good everytime.

good to know though your fix works for..... not gonna say anything.    must... fight... more... confusion

it's not really confusing once you get everything together.

his patch fixes the broken bridge in the map bundled with 2.01.

my patch fixed the map so people can play from their old saves.

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