Trouble Starting Own Faction

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So I am having trouble starting my own faction. Every time I try, as soon as a capture a city or castle, the lords of faction that used to own it all fly towards me and take me out. Within 5 minutes an army of Lords is on me and I can't do anything. I have tried doing things like attacking different factions (so far Nords and Sarranid, Rhodoks and Vaegirs own 75% of map, Swadia and Khanate almost completely wiped out) and I have tried attacking strong Lords beforehand to get rid of their armies. None of these seem to be working so if anyone has any ideas that would be great.

Currently my army size is about 160 with almost all Rhodoks sergeants and sharpshooter

my right to rule is 51 and my renown is also fairly high

also Rhodokes have almost all of the Swadian land and about half of the Nords land
Vaegris has all of the Khanate land except for 2 castles and some Sarranid land
It is to be expected that you`re attacked straight away, noone is going to give up their land without a fight. As soon as you have taken the land, recruit your companions to be lords/ladies, they might bring reinforcements for you before you lose the keep. Maybe try to attack the opposing lords before they arrive at your keep.
zez4eva4 said:
So I am having trouble starting my own faction. Every time I try, as soon as a capture a city or castle, the lords of faction that used to own it all fly towards me and take me out. Within 5 minutes an army of Lords is on me and I can't do anything. I have tried doing things like attacking different factions (so far Nords and Sarranid, Rhodoks and Vaegirs own 75% of map, Swadia and Khanate almost completely wiped out) and I have tried attacking strong Lords beforehand to get rid of their armies. None of these seem to be working so if anyone has any ideas that would be great.

Currently my army size is about 160 with almost all Rhodoks sergeants and sharpshooter

my right to rule is 51 and my renown is also fairly high

also Rhodokes have almost all of the Swadian land and about half of the Nords land
Vaegris has all of the Khanate land except for 2 castles and some Sarranid land

here some tips:
1. Try attack a faction thats at war with 1 or more 2 or even 3 is best cuz they wont have time to deal with you right away atleast not all of them.
2. same as the other guy said recruit companions (if their good enough remember noble companions).
3. dont attack the center of an faction due you will have them at all sides of you (harder to defend)
ah and + you might be a bit late at it if the factions are that strong, its harder that way. be quicker with the start game and mid game :smile:
hope it help :smile:
If you first found your kingdom until you fortify your capital it is better to pay homage to other faction.
In my previous game, I founded Kingdoms of Praven and reyvadin. I can say that Vaegir cities other than Rivacheg that has siege tower can endure against 500 if you have 200 garrison and you help and do not die.
You must wait till strong cities has less than 200 garrison.
I conquered whole nordic cities easily to test their defence it is a waste of resource. Praven is middle but not my favourite. I can say that Reyvadin, Khudan, Curaw has good defence for Vaegirs for the rest Uxkhal and Halmar are hard to take. Although general opinion may say otherwise I do not think that Rhodok cities worth than uxkhal or Reyvadin.
My main targets are Rivacheg, Curaw, Khudan that can endure 1k if has 250-300 garrison best defendable cities. Uxkhal is in the middle not advisable, Halmar not defendable like Vaegir cities and Uxkhal but has better defence than rhodock cities.
I conquered rhodock on normal damage and good battle and campaign AI with shock troops. Low ladders allows shock troops to cut through the defenders and the only small ladder siege that only one soldier has a chance to attack were at reyvadin and uxkhal.

I quit my previous campaign because I lost my valuable companions that broke my roleplay. I took Reyvadin that was taken by khergits then paid homage to Sarranids. Then I fortified her with 600 men then became free after I took a castle that Sarranid sultan has not granted me. I easily repulsed two campaign armies of saaranids and vaegirs later. I failed to take Uxkhal tried 4 times so later I quit as I needed a fresh start. I strongly advise to open a velvet enterprise in any city that gives more than 400 denars(non-rhodok and suno) so although vaegirs and sarranids froze my invesment I could survive thanks to my other investments.

If you take other cities it is worthless to have them because you mostly fail to defend them.

P.S. According to my experience swadian knights are apar with huscarls as shock troops thanks to their morningstars even on maximum difficulty. I only failed to take uxkhal that had 50 rhodock sharpies.
My personal favorite is to start with Tulga or Ichamur as the Kherigits are fairly week in siege battles.

As soon as you capture the city deposit your army as a garrison and ride around recruiting everything you can and make frantic dashes back to the city. Once you have a few hundred moderately good defenders, you will be fine.
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