Trouble retaining female hirelings?

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Medieval combat has a pretty brutal glass ceiling. I've yet to see even one of the vaunted Sword Sisters, much less had a full unit of them under my command. I just know I'm going to get sued :grin: .

Has anyone had luck finding, training and retaining female hirelings? If so, how did you do it?

I thought it would be fun to give Rusty Armor a bodyguard made up entirely of valkyries, but I'm struggling to even rescue enough female peasants to get started, not to mention keeping them alive after that.

I keep them at the very bottom of my army list... as it seems units at the bottom of the list are not deployed as often on the battlefield.

I've managed to raise 7 sword sisters... and when i deployed them, it was *CARNAGE*. (v. 0.601)
What ya' gonna do when girl power runs loose on ya' boy?

Hehe, no seriously i had some, 2-3 if im not mistaken, and well they are just as good as upgraded peasants or swadian knights.
dude, beat the crap out of alot of peasants running from villages. use a hammer or some crap, kill the guys, hammer the chicks. knock em out,  take em prisoner then recruit them to your party ^o^ 
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