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Terror Drone

Is there a chance that you post just a momentary trooptree? I know that in the final version it will change...probably...please? anyway...this mod is a heavenly one... :grin:
This is just a quick overview of the ones I have myself (on written notes). I know this is not a very good trooptree, but since no-one has responded I hope this will suffice in the absence of something better. Please forgive spelling errors and abbreviations.

Athenian Youth -> At. Spearmen ->  At. Hoplite -> At. Trained Hoplite -> At. Officer
                                                    At. Hoplite -> Thes. Scout (cav) -> Thes. Horseman (cav)
                          At. Spearmen -> Javelin -> Archer -> Chosen Archer

Thracian Tribesman -> Th. Swordsman -> Th. trained swordsman -> Th. Warrior -> Th. Veteran
Thracian Tribesman -> Agr. Javelin -> Agr. Peltalst -> Agr. Veteran Peltalst -> Elite Peltast

Agoge Youth -> Spartan Hoplite -> Spartan Trained Hoplite -> Spartan Veteran Hoplite -> Spartan Officer
Agoge Youth -> Peltast -> Trained peltast -> ?

Scythian Tribesman (cav) -> Sct. Skirmisher (cav) -> Sct. Horseman (cav) -> Sct Lancer (cav)
                                                                            Sct. Horseman (cav) -> Sct. Horse archer (cav) -> Sct. Vet. Horse archer (cav)

Boeotian Youth -> B. Spearman -> B. trained spearman -> B. Hoplite -> B. Officer
                                                  B. trained spearman -> Theban Scout (cav) ->Theban Horseman (cav)
                          B. Spearman  -> B. Javilener - B. Peltast -> B. Chosen Peltast
>Agoge Youth -> Peltast -> Trained peltast -> ?
as far as i remember it's *chosen peltast*
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