Troops with Custom Equipment edited

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i know there is one that already exists, i tried it and found a problem.


the problem is aftr you view thier inventory, you are directed to Marnid's and Borcha's conversation screen, giving you a choice to seperate from them, after you choose to serperate, then when tell them to rejoin you, you get traped in a endless cycle of conversation.

the problem is caused because in the original code you were supose to add
131071 432 0 I_have_some_equipment_for_you.  418 0

directs you to Id 418 which is
65535 418 0 Of_course._Let_me_see_what_you_have_got.  419 1 10312 0 0
that code then directs you to Id 419 giving you the choice to seperate.


After code in the conversation txt.
65535 13 0 Your_orders_$sir/madam$?  432 0

131071 432 0 I_have_some_equipment_for_you.  448 0

then add

65535 448 0 Of_course._Let_me_see_what_you_have_got.  434 1 10312 0 0

go to the top and change the number 871 to 873.

The new code directs you to Id 448 which is the secound line of code you added, the line has the same opperation which alows you to access thier inventory, then you are directed to Id 434, which is where your unit says "anything else?"

message to Culnarion:
i am sorry, i'm not trying to take away your costumers, i posted the problem on your thread, but i fixed the problem before anyone else posted.
why do my troops loss the items i give them after i quit or end the program?

this is because they are not heros and when starting a new game, the computer reads thier starting items as the items that the have.

so before you quit, buy the items from them before ending the game.
Not all my peasants are wearing the things i gove them.

this is because it is not a required item, same reason why not all vaterans have horses and not all sharpshooters have crossbows, they have a chioce the wear it.
nor can I, tried the installer and the scripts but neither work, Am i meant to put the scripts in modules rather than mods?
Bah...this sounded really neat.

Does any one know of anything that works in a similar fashion for the latest version.
For what it's worth:

@ jacky--Couldn't you just use the unofficial editor to edit those troops to require them to wear the items?

Also, I found that if you get into a circular conversation that just keeps saying the same things, you can just hit 'tab' rather than exiting the program.
Some people (=me) have an editor-phobia. Nothing wrong with it really, but it requires the .NET Framework which requires the Windows Installer which requires the Microsoft Installer-Installer which requires you to wear pink slippers in your head. And I don't want to share my disk space with greedy Micro$oft programs any more than is neccesary.

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