Troops losing horses

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Just started playing this week and having great fun. Just hit level 18 and have about 20 troops, 14 of which are Hired Blades. What I have noticed that some of them have had their horses killed and now end up wandering around on foot. Is there a way to get them back on horseback? I have managed a few times to lure enemy riders to them and then instructed them to get on the captured horse. Next time I have an encounter though the same number are back on foot again. I'm probably missing something and had a scan though this forum over the last day or two to see if anyone else had mentioned the same thing but no dice? What am I missing? Thanks
I am not too familiar to this subject, but I think that some of the hired blades are mounted and some are unmounted. Luring them to horses won't work I assure you, but on the other hand I don't think their horses can die permanently.
If a soldier's horse dies, it will be respawned in the next engagement.

And yes, Hired Blades come in both mounted and unmounted varieties. So it's possible you're just seeing the dismounted ones.
Thanks both. I have managed to get my hired blades to mount other horses before including my own but they don't seem to keep them. One other thing I have noticed is that in one battle 8 or 9 of my Hired Blades were on foot and on another engagement they were all but one on horseback. Strange stuff but as long as you say they can't lose a horse permanently if they do get unseated then I shall cease to worry about it.
In an earlier version of M&B, the Hired Blades were always mounted - at least everytime I had them, and I relied on Hired Blades mostly - while the Sword Sisters walked.

After the Sword Sister's received those white coursers, the Hired Blades appeared to have been changed - on purpose? - to a more random pattern of having/not having horses, though generally they do ride.

It's interesting to see both Hired Blades and Sword Sisters are just as enthusiastic fighters, mounted or on foot, they're worth upgrading your mercenaries and fighter women to get.
I think the only way to ensure your hired blades are mounted is to shoot the unmounted ones. Wound them, and when you're gathering prisoners and party members, let all the wounded hired blades go to the "rescued prisoners" party.
(without reading the other answers at all)

I once got my ass kicked by dark knights, and I lost all but one Hired Blade.

Anyway, the same Hired Blade with his platemail, longsword and war shield survived pretty long with me. He was always the same guy with the same outfit, but he lost his warhorse in one fight, and after that fight he was only on foot for many (in game) days. Eventually he got another horse.

To me it seems that hired blades can lose their horses. Never happened to me with vaegir or swadian knights, or any other mounted troops.
Try bartering with them to see their equipment. There is a mod that lets you do that with regular troops and not just heroes.

Units usually have 2-3 of everything and it seems random. Maybe the hired blades only have 1 charger? Maybe if you give em a second one, they can all be mounted? I gotta check
Hired Blades are mounted and unmounted. I have 21 of them in my party. Generally, in my experience, when they appear on the field, most will be mounted with just a couple of them on foot.
It may just be me, but i have noticed that after a fight where lots of equiptment is left (which you don't take) your men seem to have more in the next battle. Such as if you don't take cheap horses and weapons etc you men got them. Maybe when they kill someone, they get first choice of equiptment and can gain their horse again? This could all be rubbish and all im actually seeing is the random game elements at work but it would be cool if it were true. And slightly more realistic too! :smile:
memnoch said:
One other thing I have noticed is that in one battle 8 or 9 of my Hired Blades were on foot and on another engagement they were all but one on horseback.
Well, from what I can tell, when the game spawns your troops, it picks randomly from the various "flavors" of unit types. There are variations within each type: Swadian Knights with different horses, armor, weaponry, etc., for example. One of the Hired Blade "flavors" is unmounted.

So it was probably just luck of the draw to get all mounted or unmounted Hired Blades.
the last post was right. by playing with the mods you can see that mounted blades have horses in their inventory, but the mounted bit is not set, making it so that in every battle each has a random chance of getting a horse. i think which horse they get is also random, if there are multiple kinds. and the loot after battle doesn't affect troops at all. they have a predefined inventory that can only be changed by modding. all of this speculation is imagination.
Yes I had a big bunch of mounted Hired Blades too. They were all mounted until they lost their horses and then on they were always on foot. Well eventually all of them but one died, and that one guy has ever since been a foot soldier in my army and refuses to die :cool: Anyways Im more for knights so I try to recruit only swadians now on..

One other thing about losing horses: I lost my horse many times in a row and it dissapeared, so Im pretty confident that you can lose your own horse from your inventory too, if you get it killed in battle too many times..

Scared me a bit when I got my Spirited Charger killed twice in a row :grin: but it didnt disappear ;P
It depends on the message. If it just says horse received however much damage when you get forcibly dismounted, then it's nothing and you have the same horse the next round.

If it says horse crippled in addition to the message, it means lame horsie and loss of traits like spirited or heavy when it recovers. It's time to run back to the inventory and equip a spare horse so you get it next round instead of going round on a lame horse.

If your horse was already lame, then it's quite dead when you see the crippled message.

As for what determines whether it gets crippled or just taken out for the round, I think it depends on the degree of damage it took. If it was just around its HP, then it will be taken out of the fight. If it's a huge amount above that, then it will be crippled.

Now horse HP seems to be a mystery. I think that saddle horses are exactly 57. Did 56, 57 and 58 damage to dark hunters' saddle horses and the latter two cases it went down, first case no.
D'ya think that forcibly dismounted mercenaries will eventually get their horses back? or is it different to hired blades

Scuse my noobiness
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