Troops Equipmant

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In module_dialogs, I want to change a troop equipmant, I used this

[anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [(this_or_next|is_between, "$g_talk_troop","trp_kingdom_recruit","trp_harzem1"),(is_between,"$g_talk_troop",mercenary_troops_begin, mercenary_troops_end),], "I want to manage your equipments", "do_regular_member_view_char",[change_screen_trade]],

change_screen_trade and change_screen_equip_other, troop equipmants changed but when I save game and load save game troop equipmant is old equipmat.
In module_dialogs, I want to change a troop equipmant, I used this

[anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [(this_or_next|is_between, "$g_talk_troop","trp_kingdom_recruit","trp_harzem1"),(is_between,"$g_talk_troop",mercenary_troops_begin, mercenary_troops_end),], "I want to manage your equipments", "do_regular_member_view_char",[change_screen_trade]],

change_screen_trade and change_screen_equip_other, troop equipmants changed but when I save game and load save game troop equipmant is old equipmat.
You need to memorize the equipment. It would be easier if troop is a hero...

There was a script from somebody in the osp section.
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Worked, very simple :grin:
dont_load_regular_troop_inventories = 0

here dialogs
[anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [(this_or_next|is_between, "$g_talk_troop","trp_kingdom_recruit","trp_harzem1"),(is_between,"$g_talk_troop",mercenary_troops_begin, mercenary_troops_end),], "I want to manage your equipments", "do_regular_member_view_char",[(change_screen_trade, "$g_talk_troop"),(troop_equip_items,"$g_talk_troop"),]],
[anyone,"view_regular_char_requested", [], "Aye {sir/madam}. Let me tell you all there is to know about me.", "do_regular_member_view_char",[[change_screen_view_character]]],
[anyone,"do_regular_member_view_char", [], "Anything else?", "regular_member_talk",[]],
[anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [], "Nothing. Keep moving.", "close_window",[(troop_equip_items,"$g_talk_troop"),]],
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No, in you don't use it or have it set to 1, then equipment changes to troops are not recognized if getting loaded later again in a save game. The drawback of having it set to 0 is that the file size of the save game will get bigger and might take longer to load.
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