Troop names

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How hard would it be to rename all the troops to names in plain english?

Never done any modding of warbands, but am keen to have a go if it's not a mind$%&*.

It's not that hard actually; go to the mod folder and find the file called 'troops'. Make a backup!
Inside you'll see all the troop names. Let's take an example:

trp_sarranid_recruit Gebur_Jute Geburs_Jutes

Change Gebur_Jute and the plural Geburs_Jutes to whatever you like. Remember the underscore ( _ ) or the game crashes  :smile:

You can also change the faction names if you like, in 'factions' file.

fac_kingdom_3 East_Seaxna

Change East_Seaxna to Essex or whatever.
Plural of Gebur is Geburas, not Geburs. Just a small note. By the way, could someone send me troops.txt file of Brytenwalda? I'd like to correct some names.  :smile:
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