
I know i'm probably the 4357345734534th guy to talk about it , but it'd be great to make those stupid peasants or ( better yet) those idiotic caravan guards get in formations...
I'm not asking for anything complex... Just things like squares, circles , triangles and stuff.
I know it's a major pain to make those codings and stuff but many would be glad to see SCs of a HUGE army in formation... damn that would be freaking nice... I just imagine rushing with knights in arrow( triangle) formation breaking enemies lines with lances....
Well, if anyone agrees with that idea just speak up!
PS: Something like Use archery weapons would be nice too( those stupid watchman never remember their CB when i need most
I'm not asking for anything complex... Just things like squares, circles , triangles and stuff.
I know it's a major pain to make those codings and stuff but many would be glad to see SCs of a HUGE army in formation... damn that would be freaking nice... I just imagine rushing with knights in arrow( triangle) formation breaking enemies lines with lances....
Well, if anyone agrees with that idea just speak up!
PS: Something like Use archery weapons would be nice too( those stupid watchman never remember their CB when i need most