Triggered relations changes / factions / terrain types

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I downloaded the unofficial editor and the map editor and few days ago and I am already well on the way to producing a mod (user friendly tools :grin: ) There are a few things I'm still not sure how to do though.

The first one, when you join either the vaegirs or swadians, your relations to those factions automatically changes. In my mod there are more factions involved, and I was wondering how I can change the trigger that changes the relations when you join a side, so that more factions are involved, like i've seen with the last days mod.

Another thing I was wondering is how can I implement more joinable factions than just the vaegirs and swadians, I've tried chaging which faction certain cities belonged to, the results were seemed I was still joining the faction that originally owned that city when i joined with the count in that city. then if i spoke to the count again, he'd say i was an enemy to him, and offered for me to pay compensation, I tried paying but if I talked to him again the same problem occured.

How can I change the properties of certain terrain types, or better yet create new duplicate terrain types with the properties of another terrain type? what im mean by this is, I want to make a terrain type that appears the same as forest, but is inpassable like mountain terrain. Essentially this is to enhance the visual appearance of my map, I don't want my mountains to look like big humps of rock. Currently they are covered with forest, but this means that parties can travel on the mountains, which obviously can result in some pretty rediculous battles.

How can I place more towns and spawn points on the map?

Lastly, I also noticed that npcs don't seem to be able to use crossbows from horseback, even when they are using a crossbow without the 'can't be used from horseback' setting.
Python said:
How can I change the properties of certain terrain types, or better yet create new duplicate terrain types with the properties of another terrain type? what im mean by this is, I want to make a terrain type that appears the same as forest, but is inpassable like mountain terrain. Essentially this is to enhance the visual appearance of my map, I don't want my mountains to look like big humps of rock. Currently they are covered with forest, but this means that parties can travel on the mountains, which obviously can result in some pretty rediculous battles.

You cannot actually add new terrain types, however making impassable forests is possible. You could do something like this:


Which would look something like this in game:


As you can see the mountain border is faintly visible, so to get rid of that, you could have a 1 tile wide border of plains, then the 1 tile wide border of forest. If you scale these 2 borders so they are very thin it could work well...

Python said:
How can I place more towns and spawn points on the map?

To place more towns in the map editor, you can go into party mode (the little castle button) then click the + button, and click on the map to place it. Then re name it, and change the settings etc in the Unofficial Editor.
Another thing, how can we use our own custom textures in the map editor, that are unique to a certain module?
You mean for the terrain?
For now you have to replace the default textures to view them in the editor. I'll add custom map textures to the list...
about that, your final step
Final step

Open map_icons.txt

Add 1 to the 1st number

Then add a line at the bottom: <models name> <scale> 5 (5 is just the sound id, and since the town doesnt move this makes no difference)

Now you can load up the map editor, select a town and press + to get your new map icon, save the map, and pray that it now shows up in game

I don't get it, if you select a town and press + all you get is another town with the default mesh.
hmm, what I'm trying to do is, get the bridge map icons you made ingame. ive got the textures in the module textures folder, ive got the strategy_misc_data.brf in the resource folder, ive changed module_info.txt to include "load_module_resource = strategy_misc_data"
in place of "load_resource = map_icon_meshes". In the map editor, when I select a town and press + it just removes the model, so theres no map icon at all. Pressing + multiple times doesn't change this is just stays invisible. Im using the 'map_icons.txt' that came with the example map, and in the unofficial editor i can see 'west bridge' and 'east bridge' etc.. in the map icons tab
I forgot to add one step:

Also add the same new line to editorData\resources.txt (only add the brf with the mesh, not your new materials files here)

so you should add

load_resource = map_icon_meshes

if your resource file is also called map_icon_meshes.brf

note that you can also press - to decrease the map icon of towns in the map editor.

Hope that works for you.
Ok, this time I was able to see the new map icons in the editor and I placed them on the map, named them etc. It saved fine, but when I try to start the game I get this...

error message.

my module info folder has both of theses lines
load_module_resource = strategy_misc_data
load_resource = map_icon_meshes

Reverting back to the old map_icons file allows me to open the game, but it crashes when I try to start a new game because I've placed bridges on the map but dont have referances to them in module_info.txt

The only thing I can think of that might be differant to anyone else is that I set the scale of the bridges to 2.25, though I can't see how that would cause a problem.
i think you have the line

load_resource = strategy_misc_data

as well as the line

load_module_resource = strategy_misc_data

which is causing the problem.
Ok, I changed module_info.txt to only include load_module_resource = strategy_misc_data
and not load_resource = map_icon_meshes
this, atleast allowed me to get into the editor without errors.
but when i try to play the game i get the error
"get object failed for: player"
Python said:
Ok, I changed module_info.txt to only include load_module_resource = strategy_misc_data
and not load_resource = map_icon_meshes
this, atleast allowed me to get into the editor without errors.
but when i try to play the game i get the error
"get object failed for: player"

the "map_icons" contains all the little people that walk around the map, you will need that one. Make sure a mesh called "city" isnt added to it by mistake.
Why are you calling it strategy_misc_data?

If you are just using my icons you will need to add

load_module_resource = thor_texture_names
load_module_resource = thor_materials
load_module_resource = thor_map_icons

Or is the brf with the bridge called strategy_misc_data for some reason?

I thought the explanation made that clear.

The rest of the load_resource lines you leave alone. The new map icons are extra models, they do not replace the old brf.
This is what the example map download contains

I'm under the impression that these files are all I need to use the meshes, so you can see why I'm a little lost.

I put the 'load_resource = map_icon_meshes' like back into the file, same city error I meantioned before occurs.

When I try to load up my module in the unoffical editor I get this message.
"Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
Column 'Name, Type' is constrained to be unique. Value 'battle_icon, 6' is already present.
Column 'Name, Type' is constrained to be unique. Value 'battle_icon, 6' is already present."

When I try to load the map the the map editor it works fine.

And also, are you telling me to add texture files to module_info.txt? Textures located in the textures folden of the module? Because I've tried that and the result was "Unable to open file : Modules\Golden Horde\Resource\map_misc.brf
I thought module_info.txt was only for meshes.
You are using my old example mod, that was for M&B 0.704

The link I posted a few posts back was to this icon pack:

No wonder you were confused heh.

Hopefully it all makes more sense after you download that one.
SUCCESS!!! Ok thanks alot, is the only reason what I was trying to do wasn't working because I was trying to load resources intended for an outdated version of m&b ? Next time I see Dreadus online I'll get him to send over his city icon and see if I can get that working ingame.

Is there no way to use your bridges in the new version?
Yes, I just forgot to add them to map_icons.txt in that zip.

Open map_icons.txt and replace it with this:

player 0.200000 5
player_horseman 0.200000 30
knight_a 0.200000 30
knight_b 0.200000 30
peasant_a 0.200000 5
khergit_horseman 0.200000 30
bandit_a 0.200000 5
woman_a 0.200000 5
City 0.900000 5
Castle 1.500000 5
Castle_Wall 1.500000 5
Castle_Full 1.500000 5
NorthBridge 1.000000 5
EastBridge 1.000000 5

It wasnt working because that old brf contained some icons that exist in the vanilla map_icon_meshes, but was missing others (stratergy_misc_data was merged into map_icon_meshes in 0.710)

Look forward to seeing your new icons in game :smile:
Ok, thanks.
But one more thing, is there a way I can make it so you cant access bridges ingame? Like as it is now, clicking on a bridge brings up an empty battle map. And will having blank names for the bridges cause problems?
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