SP Native Transmog - Cosmetic Equipment

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Allows you to copy the visual aspect of an item to another individual item without affecting the statistics of the second item, also known as "Transmogrification". Transmog data is copied to the clipboard so you can save and share good looking equipment outfits, similar to character presets. Also supports copy-pasting entire outfits at once!

Transmogrification works by simple copy-pasting, using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. To revert a transmoged item, use Ctrl+R. Currently only armor transmogrification is supported, shields and (cross)bows may be added later.

You can use Ctrl+C to copy transmog data from:
  • The inventory screen while hovering the mouse over an item, equipped or in one of the lists. This copies the visuals of only that item.
  • The inventory screen while NOT hovering the mouse over any item. This copies the visuals of ALL equipped armor of the active character.
  • The party screen. This copies the visuals of ALL equipped items of the active character. Press Ctrl+C again for equipment variants!
  • Any text editor or browser while having saved or shared transmog data selected.

You can use Ctrl+V to paste transmog data to:
  • The inventory screen while hovering the mouse over an item, equipped or in one of the list. This pastes the matching visual only to that item.
  • The inventory screen while NOT hovering the mouse over any item. This pastes the visuals of ALL items present in the clipboard to the active character.
  • Any text editor or browser to saved or share transmog with others.

You can use Ctrl+R to revert a transmoged item in:
  • The inventory screen while hovering the mouse over an item, equipped or in one of the list. This reverts the visual of only that item.
  • The inventory screen while NOT hovering the mouse over any item. This reverts the visuals of ALL equiped transmoged items of the active character.

For a semblence of realism (preventing for example a full helm visual being copied to a simple hat), the mod restricts transmogrifaction of items that are no more than 2 tiers lower than the item from which the visuals are copied. This restriction can be configured in the mod's in-game configuration menu, and can be disabled entirely by setting the maximum difference to 6.

The following is example transmog data, you can copy the code below and paste it in your inventory screen (after you installed this mod) to make your character's equipment look like Eleanora in the main image of this page:

<TransmogData HeadArmor="southern_lord_helmet" Cape="wolf_shoulder" BodyArmor="imperial_scale_armor" HandArmor="decorated_imperial_gauntlets" LegArmor="lamellar_plate_boots" HorseHarness="chain_barding" />

Uninstallation - IMPORTANT
If you want to disable this mod after using it in your savegame, you first have to RESET this mod and SAVE your game before disabling it in your mod manager. Reseting will revert ALL items to their original visuals and attempt to delete ALL transmoged item records from the game. Attempt, because it can only search the inventories of settlement/markets and parties that use the vanilla inventory systems. So if you use a mod that adds a new kind of stash for example, remove any transmoged items from it before reseting and disabling this mod.

The Reset ALL option can be found by pressing Esc -> More Options -> Mod Options -> Transmog - Cosmetic Equipment -> Revert ALL transmogrified items


Mod Configuration Menu

Compatible with practically anything, it's a fairly lightweight mod. For a transmoged item only the ID references to the original and visual item are stored in the savegame, all the other data is combined in runtime (this is not performance heavy).

Extract the archive to your Bannerlord installation folder. Make sure DLL's are not blocked by Windows. Enable the mod in your mod launcher/manager. Load order is anywhere after the official game modules.

Cape Colour and Clipping Fix
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