Translations! (contribute one?)

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Sergeant Knight
OpenBRF translations thread!
(contribute one?)

If you want to contribute a translation in your language you can use QT-Linguist (a manual online here).

To add a new translation, start from the English base version:

To update an existing translation, start from its current version:
  • Chinese: [openbrf_zh.ts] - cur. ver.: 0.0.49b - by [Foxyman]
  • Deutsche: [openbrf_de.ts] - cur. ver.: 0.0.78 - by [Roemerboy] and [Vlejundo] (up to 0.0.50)
  • Spanish: [openbrf_es.ts]  - cur. ver.: 0.0.82b  up to date! - by [Swyter]

PM me your new/updated .ts files, I'll add them in the program and in this list!

You can test your new translations yourself: make a .qm file (with QT-Linguist), then load it in OpenBRF using [Settings]->[Language]->[Test a custom translation file...]
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