Training Camp / base

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I'd like somewhere where I can train troops, like an archery and a place where they can practice their sword fighting skills. I'd obv have to pay them while they're training and I'd have to pay trainers too. But then I'd have backups for my army! Yay!
I thought I would never see the day... BF2 made a post that didn't involve MP.

Back on topic.

In my opinion, your idea is great. Possible? Yes. Probable? Maybe. Likely? Not very.

It would be great to have some of your units stay behind in a tavern or something, where they could train by them selves, while you go out and about, doing errands for the king. However, this isn't really top priority. Right now, the dev team is focusing more on fixing bugs, glitches, releasing the mod tools, and adding new features to be worrying about a place where you can stash your extra troops.

Personaly, I think its an awesome idea. But realisticaly, it won't happen any time soon.

Unless Armagan says it will.
Orion said:
I thought I would never see the day... BF2 made a post that didn't involve MP.

wait till his next post:

'You know what'd be great? MMPRPG! (He can't even spell the goddamn thing right) You could just invite other obnoxious asswipes overt to your camp, and you could, like, have a teaparty!!! And you could grind/camp river pirate spawns!!!'
lol worbah, I can see it now :lol:

omgubershininesscheeseburgerpwn lets go camp teh n00b rivar pirat spwnz to get uber expz from tem and plvlz omg!

I could imagine seeing that.

Also... the spam of the online chat...



I can't wait... I would so hack it just to piss off people who did that. I would also give out tons of uber items to all the people who possess mild, or more, intelligence. Such as worbah, JohnathanStrange, Ingolifs, and others.

Armor that blocks 255 damage, bows that have perfect accuracy, 255 dmg arrows in stacks of 255, and a pretty sword of war... with 255 damage swing and stab.

Wait, I already have that... :twisted:
mild, or more, intelligence. Ingolifs, and others.


That is probably one of the main reasons why Armagan doesn't want to do multiplayer yet. (aside from having to completely re-design the code)
He just cannot be bothered spending time trying to fix all the exploits and loopholes when he could be working on expanding the game universe.

Although i must say, a MMORPG which is all about mediaeval feudalism and large armies (mostly) full of human players sounds very appealing to me. Don't want the little kiddies to come in with their heavily bastardised dialect of english? Use a combat system that takes patience to learn, and don't reward repetetive behavior.
Why the hell does everyone want multiplayer while the game is still in its early frigging beta? There are bugs, loophole, exploits, etc still in single player and tons more stuff to put in before release version and you ask to make it online?!?! Try asking for it when M&B reaches version 1.5 maybe. Maybe.
i wouldnt say everybody wants multiplayer. In fact, most people are opposed to putting it in at the current time. They aren't against putting it in to M&B2, however.

As you said, putting Multiplayer in to a game not designed for multiplayer, which is still in beta, is NOT a good idea.

People should stop suggesting multiplayer and come to realize that it will NOT be in M&B1.

Most like it will be in M&B 2.

Now I need a gerbil and a sandwich.

Leave me alone.
Yes, yes you are all right. My idea rocks.

Multiplayer? Anyone played Eve online? M&B already reminds me of that in parts. I think a multielement would rock. But obv the land would have to be 100 times bigger! So not sure.

Stir Fry is the best. Don't argue.
Just a Question.. Wasnt this post about Training not multiplayer??
That is a great idea for M&B2 though it would be pretty cool
Yes it was. My idea's at the top.

I was going with the crowd tho.

Reiterating the point of the thread: A place to train troops etc would be double-handy as well as being weapons grade super.

On a totally unrelated note...

MMORPGage would be fabalicious...and quite good too.

See my picture? That's what I'm sipping now. Yum.
LOL argh argh argh multiplayer lol mhe sthupid lol but anyways yeah Ill look foward to seeing what happens cause already the game is awsome and somthing like a training camp would be nice but can wait till the game's further developed and Ill look foward to seeing a mod to try this out if anybody ever makes one

Thor :twisted:
Worbah said:
Orion wrote:
I thought I would never see the day... BF2 made a post that didn't involve MP.

wait till his next post:

'You know what'd be great? MMPRPG! (He can't even spell the goddamn thing right) You could just invite other obnoxious asswipes overt to your camp, and you could, like, have a teaparty!!! And you could grind/camp river pirate spawns!!!'[/quote]

funny dude Worbah is indeed :grin:
I would like a training area in cities where we can train ourselves with our weapons (for newbies), but also where we could leave our men behind to train a little (for a per person fee of course).

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