Trainer skill: additive?

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From reading the posts here I understand the training skill is additive: i.e., it makes sense to raise it for both of your hero companions (borcha and mandrid) and possibly yourself as well rather than for one of them for speedy troop retraining. I also noticed that some of players regular troops have points in training: would these add to party's training ability too?
You get a few points of experience every night if your pals have training, but I can't remember if it stacks with your own when it concerns the normal troops (so long since I upgraded training), but I think so.

The troops that has it grants nothing. It might be that it had another meaning earlier in the development, or thatthe units are in fact templates for later heroes (coming with new updates).
it's a miniscue amount. you still need a lot of sleeping in inns to raise your troops. it's a bit better with the mag7 mod where you have 7 heros that can get the trainer skill, but even then you'll have to sleep like 10 times to upgrade your troops to the top tier
It's miniscule but remember that the troops don't carry xp in the same way your average hero does. What trainer does if all of them are set up is basically get you to footman in a night or two from peasant/manatarms. After that, It might push one or two higher a night, but you're really looking at fighting for xp at that point.

The best way I've found to work troops up to get a quick set of nights is high trainers, crapload of peasants. As they advance (and you replace losses) leave your stack in this order:
I think in the player's party, the normal troops trainer skill does nothing.

However, in NPC parties, that trainer skill might kick in.

Either way, it's no biggie. Combat is far better for experience. I never train peasant anyhow. I go raid some enemy prisoner trains to get myself some second to last tier units who are durable and levels up to top quickly.

Sword sisters are probably the only units worth building up from scratch for.
trainer skill gives 5/10/15/20/30/50 (for lvl 1-6) to all other members of your party, including marnid and borcha (but not to the character having the skill, in this case we assume it is yourself).
so if you and borcha each have 1 skill point put into training, you would get 5 exp after midnight. borcha also 5, marnid 10, and every other stack 10, so if im not mistaken, it would take 100 nights to advance from lvl to lvl2 tier.

hope that answered your question

ah, and for regular troops: only, their "combat skills" have any effect.
so, trainer, first aid, leadership dont matter
I noticed that this skill has higher relative rewards at higher levels. It is "better" (in terms of experience per non-trainer character gained) to have one character at level 6 (50 experience gained per non-trainer character) than 3 characters (you, borcha and mandrid) at level 2 (30 experience gained per non-trainer character)
Slaists said:
I noticed that this skill has higher relative rewards at higher levels.

didnt i just write this? its in my first sentence.
well. you dont need to read my posts if you dont want to :???:
Bearhugger said:
Slaists said:
I noticed that this skill has higher relative rewards at higher levels.

didnt i just write this? its in my first sentence.
well. you dont need to read my posts if you dont want to :???:

no, i did read your post. but in the second sentence of your post you give an example of having each of the heros with one point in the skill. and that is exactly the least efficient way to distribute the trainer skill points among the three hero characters if you are trying to build towards the higher training gain levels...
youre right.
apart from that, raising the training skill of all heroes means they all have to raise int as well. that might also be quite an inefficient char development method.
well, the thing about raising "int" is: it gives you one extra skill point for every level of int... which is a good thing :smile:
No!! The one redeeming thing about it!

Anyhoo, Bearhugger--Slaists is not only right about the fact that it's better numberwise to have one hero with skill level 5 than 5 with level 1, but also because one hero distributes that level of experience to ALL other members of the party, whereas if each hero (we're assuming a number of heroes greater than 2 here (I'm thinking the mag7 mod)) had lvl 1, he/she wouldn't get the five that he/she would give to the party. So, there's even less incentive to do it (I think).
yes, stonewall. youre right as well!

the sole purpose of the example ive given was to illustrate how the trainer skill works, which - i think - was achieved
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