Tradeing and Party management Suggestions

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The trading system should be like in the old classic elite. Prices should vary from town to town, with biggere differences to the average in high risk areas. The Merchant should not tell you what to buy and what to sell. So you have to compare prices yourself to work out a good trading route.

Ideally prices would also be a bit dynamic and if you do to many runs with the same stuff to town X its price should go down (less profit)

Transporting goods:
To me it seems strange that a skill decides how much stuff you can move.

I´d suggest a system similar to this:
A person on foot can carry 1 unit of goods (with a speed penalty)

A horse can carry a person (without any trading goods) OR 4 units of goods.

A horse speed 10 should do speed 10 carrying a person of 4 units of wares. One unit less should increase its speed by 1 (a spirited saddle horse (speed 9) carring 3 out of 4 units should keep up with heavy courser (speed 10) you ride for example.

One person should only be able to lead one horse (either on foot or rideing). MAybe allow to guide 2 horses but with severe speed penalty (so that you can keep your horses if praty mebers die and you had 2 horses per party member already)

So per person you can transport
1 unit walking carrying trading goods
5 units you walk, carry trading stuff and have a pack horse (very slow)
4 units, you walk but carry no goods and have a pack horse ( slow)
4 units, you ride and you have pack horse (speed depending on quality of horses)

You should be able to equip all your party members (hero and not hero) with horses for map travel and use their "trading good slots" for your trading.

This could lead to pretty large caravans, able to carry lots of stuff but with limited supply by the traders (and the large amount of money needed) I think it won´t destoy the game balance.

All non hero characters that have no horse themselfes should NOT be able to use their horses in combat (mounted infantry :wink:)

Party management:
Reduced leveling for non hero party members.
A footman should stay a footman with footman equipment. he should only get a bit better with gained experience but not very much.
OK this is destopying the "trainer aspect" of the game bit I find it a bit strange that a) non hero chars level so fast by staying alive and b) that they can aford that expensive eqipment with the pay they get.

the prices for hireing soldiers and their weakly pay should be somewhat proprtional to their equipment costs (and t feels to cheap for me at the moment) + the weekly pay shoudl be a bigger fraction of the intial hireing costs.

You could also make it that the better combat types refuse to work lead a packhorse and so only work as protection (with their own horse for mounted units) or a horse borrowed from you for better infantry (infantry of course has the horse only on map and not during combat)

Maybe alsoa good idea to have better combat units available only after you gained rank within one organisation swabians, vergir or (planned I guess) bandits.
I'm not entirely sure about the inventry rule you described. Because warhorses and soldiers not for carrying baggage, rather, only Sumpter horses and (if possible) porters increases the inventry.

For heroes, I agree. I think they get twice more xp than the player character.
I think each horse should rather have a maximal weight stat instead of speed penality. If the horse is overencumbered it should get slower. But i agree with the core of the idea. Inventory skill is too useful currently and the current system reminds me too much on ordinary boring rpgs. What about buying bags/oxcarts/chests for inventory which would appear on battlefield like the small chest currently?
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