Trade With Other Heroes

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If this is a known bug set to be fixed, please delete this thread, but it seems odd to me that you have to pay your own companions to trade things, and that they have to pay you for things you're giving them. The trade screen is probably the same one as the merchants use, so you have to pay by default, but still, it's worth modifying it so that you won't have to waste money.
actually you can use him as a sort of bank. take his stuff to put money in, give him stuff to take money out. caus once you give him money, he has money
This really ends up being a non-issue. When you trade you are usually giving them something better and taking out the item you are replacing. So the target hero ends up usually owing you money.

If the way it is now was removed, you could use them for free storage. Which I think must be why it works like it does. Now if you want to store something with a hero, you have to pay to get it back out.
Exactly--it seems logical to me that if you're travelling with a group of guys, you'd carry your stuff in common. Granted, I'm sure most people would view it as Communism if we didn't have the pay-for-storage system featured now, but I think it makes more sense to have open trade.
Then maybe they should just have an equip screen instead of inventory. You outfit them with whatever you want, but you can't use them for storage.
okay maybe I'm confused but - storage space? that's not rocket science.

If I was a rich mercenary, I'd have a pack mule, whatever. I don't see it as an issue that I can have my npc hold items.

Seems like an odd change, since it doesn't fix anything. I think more likely it's an unintended change.
Effidian said:
Then maybe they should just have an equip screen instead of inventory. You outfit them with whatever you want, but you can't use them for storage.
I like this idea. You should only be able to drag stuff to his armor slots, helmet slots etc.
I agree with Effidian too, unless there is another aspect of the current system I am missing out on. A bonus of using the equip screen is we get to see the rating of the armor they are using and it would inform us directly if the weapon had restrictions that the hero doesnt meet, like not strongenough to use a long bow etc.

Effidian said:
Then maybe they should just have an equip screen instead of inventory. You outfit them with whatever you want, but you can't use them for storage.

That's a good idea--if it's done, though, I want to be able to take back the equipment without cost. Only reasonable if it's either mine or held in common.
why is it that marnid is poor at not earning anything.. I can't make a good soldier out of him if he's stuck with uber-low level equipment.. What is wrong?? And where do I find this other hero??
Holger Danske said:
why is it that marnid is poor at not earning anything.. I can't make a good soldier out of him if he's stuck with uber-low level equipment.. What is wrong?? And where do I find this other hero??

You can just give him whatever equipment you want. He isn't stuck with what he has.
You can just give him whatever equipment you want. He isn't stuck with what he has.
No I can't!! He say's that he hasen't got the money!! And I just can't give him anything without asking for money!! Please help!!
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