Town Screen Choices

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(This is taken from a question I had in the Mod Discussion forum...)

Will it be possible for certain town screen options to appear only if a certain condition is in place? Such as an option for a town that allows you to enter an area normally hidden as long as you have a positive reputation with them?

Sorta like:
  • You have entered the Vaegir town of Khudan.

    Go to the Count's castle.
    Visit the Barracks. <-- Only appears on list if you have positive faction.
    Visit the tavern.
    Visit the...
This kinda thing could be used for the bandit keep - non-bandits will only be able to check out the one room, but bandits will be able to check out the entire fortress.

This could also be used to close off a town if you have a negative rep with them - a known outlaw not being able to enter the castle, a Vaegir not allowed to rest in a Swadian tavern, etc.
I like that idea. Sounds really interesting to me. The menu could either show a "greyed out" text showing you know this area exists but you're not able to enter it yet or not appear at all (you don't know it's even there) until certain conditions are met, by you or by virtue of certain game events.

Say, a town menu might suddenly have a "Rebel HQ" if the rightful king is fighting a rebellion and you want to join it. Or a "Black Market" option might stopped being "greyed out" if your relationship rating with certain bandit groups or merchants was over a certain limit.
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