
Back in the middle ages, a noble man was able to earn his living with tournaments... The current arena fighting is a good technical demo but could give more thrills... and more rewards too...
Knight tournaments... Make some One on One jousting, plan 4 or 5 fights in a row (increasing difficulty), and you have a full tournament system. Have some rewards (gold and weapons/armors/horses) distributed for the winner.
Make the tournament a moving one : Next tournament in Tihr in one day. Have titles given : Winner of the Tihr tournament... Have some inter tournament over-all title for the one who wins all tournaments...
As an option : have us choose before each fight between mounted or unmounted fight, or have the last fight unmounted and 'to the death'...
Along the knight tournament, you could have an archer challenge, with dummy targets and/or one on one archery fight. Same reward system, with bow/arrows and titles.
And as a status upgrader, have some free for all fight for those who have a faction. Like the current 3vs3 but between the two realms only.
From a technical point of view, the arena is great, but lacks sounds. Put some Oooo and Aaaa and clappings when there's action. Could even be some rotten cabage thrown when the fight is lame, or real madness when you put all the red team on the ground singlehanded
No problem for me with the current arena design. You can try some other combination (shape of arena / sand on the ground) in different towns to give some "local" feeling in tournaments...
You can combine that with different number of foes and/or better or worse rewards ... Small arena with no public and small rewards for a start, then go to the big city to fight before the king versus some of the best knight in the world, with the cheers of the crowd in the background...
edit : could have some requisites for a tournament... not everyone can fight before the king lad! And let us use our own armor/weapons/horse...
Knight tournaments... Make some One on One jousting, plan 4 or 5 fights in a row (increasing difficulty), and you have a full tournament system. Have some rewards (gold and weapons/armors/horses) distributed for the winner.
Make the tournament a moving one : Next tournament in Tihr in one day. Have titles given : Winner of the Tihr tournament... Have some inter tournament over-all title for the one who wins all tournaments...
As an option : have us choose before each fight between mounted or unmounted fight, or have the last fight unmounted and 'to the death'...
Along the knight tournament, you could have an archer challenge, with dummy targets and/or one on one archery fight. Same reward system, with bow/arrows and titles.
And as a status upgrader, have some free for all fight for those who have a faction. Like the current 3vs3 but between the two realms only.
From a technical point of view, the arena is great, but lacks sounds. Put some Oooo and Aaaa and clappings when there's action. Could even be some rotten cabage thrown when the fight is lame, or real madness when you put all the red team on the ground singlehanded
No problem for me with the current arena design. You can try some other combination (shape of arena / sand on the ground) in different towns to give some "local" feeling in tournaments...
You can combine that with different number of foes and/or better or worse rewards ... Small arena with no public and small rewards for a start, then go to the big city to fight before the king versus some of the best knight in the world, with the cheers of the crowd in the background...
edit : could have some requisites for a tournament... not everyone can fight before the king lad! And let us use our own armor/weapons/horse...