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Are useless and un historic in this game (?) Was it hard to mod this to make the mod complete ? or is it being work on ?

Not trying to sound demanding as i had not paid for this work but i do believe when someones has a project that they finish it before releasing it out to everyone to enjoy.
Yeh the Tournaments are quite annoying. I went to london for a Tournament and it was basically a Khergit Tournament. Everyone on Horses and Bows and Javalins.

And I went to a tournament in Mierce and its like Swadia. Everyone on Horse with Lances (Kontos?) or swords (Axes). And instead of helmets everyone was wearing Woman Hoods :grin:

And in East Engla the tournaments are like the Nords which I think are the best. Just pure infantry fights :grin:
Sort of hijacking this (so ill move out if asked) but it is sort of related: I noticed that sometimes tournaments just keep happening in the same town again and again and again. I did the same tournament in the same town three times and could have kept doing it. After 30 minutes of playing I had about 9000... kind of game breaking. So ya do something about it. (I don't remember the name of the town as I have to admit in a difficulty in reading the names, but it was the town north of the starting town in the Welsh area).

On an even more unrelated note but the same sort of problem: WHY THE HELL does a bounty at a village ask you if you are from the F.B.I?!?!?! It is NOT funny, it is dumb, unrelated, really disappointing of what sounded like a great mod, and simply just breaks any sense of immersion the player might have been able to scrounge out of this mod. Fix that too.

Apart from the I'm tempted to say I like this mod. Though I am sure I still have plenty more to find that will just piss me off.
H0NZA1 said:
Are useless and un historic in this game (?) Was it hard to mod this to make the mod complete ? or is it being work on ?

Not trying to sound demanding as i had not paid for this work but i do believe when someones has a project that they finish it before releasing it out to everyone to enjoy.

I presume you've never heard of a beta so people can test it in the community? Every single game/mod releases before it is finished (weather they admit it or not) and to be perfectly honest, You seem to sound pretty rude and demanding.

How about a thanks for the time and effort these guys have put in instead of criticism.

Some people are just incredibly rude and I find it hard to understand why, it's like the whole world owes them something or revolves around them.
H0NZA1 points out some flaws and it's nice with feedback,
but he failed to mention specifically what he finds wrong with tournaments.
Calling them unhistorical means he must know how tournaments (or similar fighting) took place in 636. Share the knowledge.
Adorno said:
H0NZA1 points out some flaws and it's nice with feedback,
but he failed to mention specifically what he finds wrong with tournaments.
Calling them unhistorical means he must know how tournaments (or similar fighting) took place in 636. Share the knowledge.

You failed to mention the lack of knowledge that was also spouted about mods not being released before they are finished.

I completely agree that sharing the knowledge should be done but there is a certain way of doing it.
Another thing I noticed was a bunch of crossbowmen, at least in the ones I did so far.  There were crossbows back then, but they were rather uncommon until the Renaissance.

*Also tacking this here instead of starting a new thread.  Why are all the Saxon factions Christian?  This completely baffles the historian in me.
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