Tournament bug

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I have a problem with tournaments. When i started the game i was able to participate in 2 or 3 tournaments but now every time i'm in the town that hosts a tournament i can only join the feast.
I tried waiting till next morning but then i'm given a message that XYZ has won the tournament.
I've searched the forum and only thing  i found was that:

Blackfyre said:
Neutro said:
Jason L. said:
Marc-O-Polo said:
Tournaments seem to be somewhat bugged. When I enter a city holding a feast, my only opportunity is to enter the castle for the party. However, when the feast ist over, a note appears stating that whoever won the tournament of the city where I just camped.
You need I higher renown level to participate the tournaments.. 

Or maybe wait till its early Morning

This :wink:

As i said waiting till early morning does not work. My renown is around 200 right now. I'm playing Kill the peasants edition!

Any ideas how can i fix it?

Strange. Never had this in 1257AD. Are you sure to have more renown than 100 or something? If this is not the case I have had this bug only in 1200 mod. And that's all I know about this...
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