Sometimes i feel that there is too much text present during a battle, and some of the things that are documented do not really need to be there.
For example, shoot someone in the head with a crossbow and you get:
Head Shot!
delivered 58 damage to target
shot difficulty: 3.4
speed bonus: +18%
Vaegir Horseman killed by Claidh-heamh Mor
You have improved your crossbow skill to 78
Most of which is pretty superfluous, i'd say.
It seems in some games currently, there is a move towards realism and showing less and less of the game's mechanics in number form. People use ironsights instead of 2d crosshairs, you can't see your kills while still alive, etc.
In fact, in Valandil, the hl2 mediaeval mod, there isn't a HUD at all. You will be able to judge your character's health by how much red throbbing and blurring is on the screen, how much he's wheezing, and how often he vomits up blood. I think that's brilliant.
All i'm doing here is questioning the need for some of the information you see on screen.
For example, shoot someone in the head with a crossbow and you get:
Head Shot!
delivered 58 damage to target
shot difficulty: 3.4
speed bonus: +18%
Vaegir Horseman killed by Claidh-heamh Mor
You have improved your crossbow skill to 78
Most of which is pretty superfluous, i'd say.
It seems in some games currently, there is a move towards realism and showing less and less of the game's mechanics in number form. People use ironsights instead of 2d crosshairs, you can't see your kills while still alive, etc.
In fact, in Valandil, the hl2 mediaeval mod, there isn't a HUD at all. You will be able to judge your character's health by how much red throbbing and blurring is on the screen, how much he's wheezing, and how often he vomits up blood. I think that's brilliant.
All i'm doing here is questioning the need for some of the information you see on screen.