Too difficult

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why is that, at the outset, you see bandits in heavy armor or intermediate?
One begins on combed worsted by "looters" ... Pathetic.
Haha yeah it's impossible to start the game in some areas without cheating. At the very least you'll need to remove the fog of war (truesight: ctrl + T with cheat mode enabled) to see if where you're going has a big mercenary or bandit party. I personally just went out and recruited some of the troops I wanted, by teleporting around the map and using the cheat for leveling troops up. When I had 60+ troops I stopped doing that, because by then I wasn't being ganged up on so much anymore.

The most difficult places I've seen so far are in the Rhodok, Sarranid and Kherjit areas. There are large mercenary bands (in decent armor and a fair amount of good archers; even when fighting 100 vs their 30 I still manage to sometimes get a few of my men killed by their archers) in the Rhodok and Sarranid areas. The Sarranid area, in addition to the mercenaries, has the desert bandits, which are mainly mounted troops. What makes them tough is that they're so fast on the world map, impossible to run away from if you're just starting out. Kherjits have the same problem, but with the Steppe Bandits. The other areas have relatively slower bandits and you can actually avoid them if you're careful.

I figured they'd fix this soon anyway. The beginning of the game just needs to have reduced spawns, including the strength of the parties. I noticed that, by comparison, patrols and other bandit-hunting parties are like 20-strong while the bandits can go up to 50 in a single party, and often attack in groups, so the poor 20-strong patrol will sometimes be facing like 120 bandits. D:
My problem is less the enemies, though they are tough (I just leech off of the roaming kingdom armies :razz:), I'm just really bad at foot-combat, I can only kill people from horesback.
Starting out on foot is pretty fun. While I loved riding like the wind and shooting people from behind like I was dogfighting on horseback, I found that doing formations and tactics was also fun, and also reduces your losses a lot if you do it right. More importantly than your ability to make personal kills, in fact, is your ability to use the soldiers in your army and manual formation setting. For example, moving slowly, or even staying in one spot and letting the enemy come to you if they're bandits, with a bunch of shielded infantry with your archers behind them is pretty effective, and was a real world tactic used by medieval forces all over the world.

Meanwhile learning to fight on foot takes a while. I used the multiplayer mode for practice since respawning makes it easier to start over if you get killed, and you lose nothing and don't have to reload the map and whatnot. It's also a good way to learn what kind of weapon and what faction you'll like playing with, even if the command tactics don't work in multiplayer. The bot AI in multiplayer is pretty good, and they'll use fakes so that even if they're using slower weapons, you still have to plan and time your attack properly otherwise you're gonna get an axe to the face or something.

When you get used to that, even playing on the hardest difficulty settings in the single player campaign is suddenly a lot easier.
here i am, lvl 26 got 2 fiefs, big army of knights and then.... DARK KNIGHT APPEAR! LOOOOOOOOL what a joke. Actually i'm obliged to join them... i know i know the solo was too easy in native...

I precice i've never cheat yet....
well i find it fun right now, and it will be better after the coming balance stuffs.

also, the 'scout' groups look easy, its like oh look 7 men this will be fun, attack with 56 leave with 20.

elite/veteran spearmen HURT!
At first I found it difficult, but the easiest method I found was to just hire like 30+ peasants, and then just try not to care when most of them get slaughtered. Charge your way towards the merc infantry while taking out a cav or two along the way. I generally let my peasants handle the 4 or 5 cav purely because they would get overwhelmed and couldnt move anywhere and just get beat down. I'd pick off as much infantry as I could while my men were still charging, and it worked pretty well. It takes a bit but eventually your survivors level up to more than just meat shields.
Drogoth said:
why is that, at the outset, you see bandits in heavy armor or intermediate?
One begins on combed worsted by "looters" ... Pathetic.
you know when they talk to you they say
we left our army something something
so ofcourse they will have good armor
and tbh i never had problems with it just take care
soulmata said:
This is a problem that will be addressed in an upcoming release (.605b)
Awesome! I myself tried running the game on all normal settings ( damage taken by character and people in my party at 100% ) and I am finding it incredibly difficult to get past the beginning stages of my journey with all the bandits chasing me around harassing me...
Scyrius said:
This mod is not too difficult to start. My suggestion if you find it too hard play native first
I've played Native and many other mods in depth with all settings set to their hardest and been able to flourish. It isn't impossible to gain footing and become established in Native Expansion with everything set to it's hardest, but it's certainly more difficult than it was originailly intended to be, and I think everyone can agree that the first battle they experience should not be against 28 troops with high - medium level equipment and skills.
Granted this game is FAR less forgiving than Warband, if you absolutely need to, you can always train your troops up from the Training Grounds.
In coming releases, a greater focus will be put on tactical difficulty instead of 'brick wall fake difficulty', and we will offer more options for new(er) players. However, NE will still remain a mod intended for veteran players.
funny I suck at M&B imo, but i find NE fun as hell.

course ive pretty much always been a nigh-on masochistic challenge seeker, so i suppose thats part of it.  :grin:

though yeah... brick wall = no fun early game, possible, but not fun.
Alpha said:
Scyrius said:
This mod is not too difficult to start. My suggestion if you find it too hard play native first
I've played Native and many other mods in depth with all settings set to their hardest and been able to flourish. It isn't impossible to gain footing and become established in Native Expansion with everything set to it's hardest, but it's certainly more difficult than it was originailly intended to be, and I think everyone can agree that the first battle they experience should not be against 28 troops with high - medium level equipment and skills.

that is true i was surprised by the level of equipment of roaming bandits. i got off to a good start by recruiting a high amount of cannon fodder and using hit and run tactics with some light merc cav
The current roaming enemies make venturing out of cities a dangerous endeavor.

Either the player defeats a mercenary warband, and the entire party wallows in riches from the loot at level 1, or the player gets defeated, loses the horse, and spend days being captured repeatedly because being alone, and on foot makes for a terrible fight.

I propose that the cities have more quests that are solvable within the city limits, and reward the player with starting equipments: a horse, some weapon and armor, a bow and arrows for those who wish, and so on. This will make low levels more bearable, without compromising the deadliness that is the Native Expansion.
kultz said:
I propose that the cities have more quests that are solvable within the city limits, and reward the player with starting equipments: a horse, some weapon and armor, a bow and arrows for those who wish, and so on. This will make low levels more bearable, without compromising the deadliness that is the Native Expansion.

All of these and more are planned, actually.
Wonderful, I'm glad you're so thoughtful.
But perhaps we would still all benefit from a compiled list of planned/suggested features?
Just so we'd know what's already in the pipes/mentioned/rejected.
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