To those who accused me of providing serials to others

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Pavlov wrote by means of a Private Message:
A few of our forum members have this theory that you are providing serial's for non paying members.

Might you have an idea of what they are talking about? because I just might.

regarding topic...

Alp wrote:
I have the demo of the game
It stops after reaching level 6
It pisses me off
does any one have license number...

sanborn wrote:
The licence number of the game is is..... 12 dollars
Dont try to get this game by illegal means
by the way..this forum is made by the developers of the game.

come on.. at least you should not ask for a crack in here...

MareNostrum wrote:
I got the number for you..


its only 12 dollars... not the end of the world or something
thank you for considering to buy Mount&Blade...hehe


so whats your problem exactly Pavlov?
some forum members say that I provide serials?

Is it me..or some people really retarded..

if your private message was meant to be a joke.. than just disregard this message..because than I am the retarded one.. :razz:

I decided not to send you a private message.. because..

"..A few of our forum members have this theory.."

so it concerns more people than just the two of us..
who made this allegation anyway?

have you any idea what DONT BE THAT CHEAP means?
That's why I asked you in a PM a private PM. It's my job to investigate these kinds of things, no matter how stupid they look.

Show some class next time, and don't start a post about it.

Edit: It was regarding more then one topic, I asked you for your take on it.

And no, you can't know who the people were. Once again, because I consider my PM's private, and personal.
when people make false accusations...
and the accused defends himself in public...

then the issue should be settled...

let those who made their false accusations come here and explain on how they came up with it in the first place...

if you consider this unclassy...
than next time show some class Pavlov.....

I defend M&B..
and what do I get....?

Again..those forum members who accuse me.. reply to this topic..and dont hide behind private messages.. like some of us do..

I will then give you a civil response...based on the truth instead of lies..
In public... I want all to read that I did not provide serials to others..
and I dont understand why some forum members think otherwise..
Oooh a forum war :razz:

Can you post in a block mate, i was finding it hard to follow your last post :grin:

plus, pavlov is the mod here, it is his job to investigate anything suspicious/illegal, no matter how insane it is. he wasnt accusing you, he was stating a fact.
sigh... no one is hiding behind anyone. Most people who care about this game follow a chain of command. They PM me and if the problem is sufficent I talk it over with Armaga.

For the record, I get about 30-40 pms A DAY from a wide area of forum members informing me about potential steals/cracks/etc.. It is a problem. Now I realize that a lot of them are forum rumors (he said she said) so I simply ask the accused if they have any idea about it. Most of they don't, some do say that they have mentioned cracking the game etc, and ask for pardons.

So you're not on a hot seat or anything, just that your name came up a few times, so I simply asked you if you knew anything about it. Why you're over-reacting is beyond me. Most people respond with a simple "umm, no I haven't done anything". That would have been sufficent from you. You taking this public with so much ferver makes me really wonder about a few things.

No one even knew anything untill you started this post. :roll:
if some people have the right to accuse me.. if Pavlov has the right to investigate
than I have the right to defend class...
meaning in public

a forum war?

*MareNostrum picks up LongSword*

To Pavlov:
Sorry m8.. but if you get multiple PM's with this accusation.. than I hope that those who have send it..can read my post regarding their actions..

its not over reacting.. its simply letting all know that I dont provide serials to others.. since you did not want to unveil your sources.. you left me no other option than this... I hope you ll have some more reliable sources next time..however I do understand your position though..

Might you have an idea of what they are talking about? because I just might.

this is what pissed me off.. thats all.. you say that you know already what they are talking about.. . (so it suggested that you had some evidence..which apparantly you did not have after all)

self explanatory

You taking this public with so much ferver makes me really wonder about a few things.
care to means of private message .. :razz:
Sheesh, no need to make so big a deal about it. Flaming and calling people retards is just lame, and the private messaging system is supposed to be private. He asked you if you were involved in handing out serials, you said no, it's sorted. Simple. There's no need to attempt to start a flamewar.

I don't believe that the mod was accusing you of anything, he was just wondering if you had anything to do with it.
It means, I now have the knowlege of you maybe or maybe not doing something illegal. So I was asking, do YOU have knowlege about any of this? It was rather simple man.

You're becoming so defencive about something that is rather insignificant!
nobody likes it when people suspect him from things. He has a right to ask who it was that spread rumors about him, if I where in his situation I'd be pretty mad too
pavlov said:
It means, I now have the knowlege of you maybe or maybe not doing something illegal. So I was asking, do YOU have knowlege about any of this? It was rather simple man.

You're becoming so defencive about something that is rather insignificant!

ok ok..

I am calm again...
not trying to start flamewar...just informing all that I am not providing serials.. nothing more or less... if they have evidence then let them show up..and use this topic..

falsely accusing people is also lame..

action reaction..

sorry if my intentions were seen as overreacting.. I hope its solved now..

nobody likes it when people suspect him from things. He has a right to ask who it was that spread rumors about him, if I where in his situation I'd be pretty mad too

right on

I really don't think this topic is going to turn out well... not trying to backseat or anything but... lock?
aha..thats suspicious... you were the one who betrayed me..

I challenge you to a duel in the Arena..
I bet 50 Denars..on myself :wink:
and 400 denars on the other team hehe
No one spread rumors about him publicly. If they had, I would have nothing against him clearing his name. However, when people send me private msg's they expect them to stay private. You would not want something you tell me to be told to everyone else. It's called respect, I respect the members of the forum and their privacy. Put yourself in my position.

No one put Mare on public trial, or even a private trial. Like I said, I get tons of these accusations every day. It's not like I believe ALL of them, if I did, half the forum would be missing. However this is the only case where a member actually felt compelled start a topic about this.
tip of the day:

Dont mess with the pride of turkish men...
Turkish men and pride... sighhhhhhhhhh :wink:
its in our nature to defend ourselves fiercely :lol:

Sorry pavlov.. buts in our genes..
I am calm again...
not trying to start flamewar...just informing all that I am not providing serials.. nothing more or less... if they have evidence then let them show up..and use this topic..

Good, that's all I needed to hear. Thank you.

Sorry pavlov.. buts in our genes..

It's alright man, no harm done.

Edit: I'm goin to go ahead and close the topic now. Mare, if you have anything else you would like to add, PM me and I will re-open for you.
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