To many whining kids

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they would have to refund people that paid more and they would never do this But I agree, the price is much too high for what we've got after the decade.

Yes it's not going to happen, but it'd be doable and wise and just.

(edit) actually I don't think they would have to refund, the pricing is at their discretion. The number of people who'd be pissed off would be outweighed by the good PR I think.

guys theey have done already 60 or 70 fixes I think there doing a great job everyday
they do something about I'm very proud at taleworlds.

at times like this it's early acces otherwise wait a year and just go do your own thing or ask a refund or wait a month or a bit longer and u'll be fine :grin:!

and they haven't got that much employees as everybody thinks it's a small company I think u must have respect that they make with this teams this great games so it has been from the first mount & blade and warband a great ride and for example my friends waits half a year I think guys like that should take a example off that :grin:.

U can put feedback in there but don't whine to much give positive feedback some guys are doing this great I think there's both guys that are really sad that can hold back there emotions and give great feedback or people that make a post and make a great fuss of it everybody is different but I think keep it positive with feedback :smile:
Haha I am really amused with people who don't know anything about software development, demanding service for which you paid, customer feedback, and especially that EA is not excuse for anything.

Don't try to be advocated for Taleworlds, they handling everything professionally, no one from the team complains about the feedback - it is precious.

So you whom back blaming all people who gives feedback for paid product (no matter of the form) FFS shut up.

guys theey have done already 60 or 70 fixes I think there doing a great job everyday
they do something about I'm very proud at taleworlds.

at times like this it's early acces otherwise wait a year and just go do your own thing or ask a refund or wait a month or a bit longer and u'll be fine :grin:!

and they haven't got that much employees as everybody thinks it's a small company I think u must have respect that they make with this teams this great games so it has been from the first mount & blade and warband a great ride and for example my friends waits half a year I think guys like that should take a example off that :grin:.

U can put feedback in there but don't whine to much give positive feedback some guys are doing this great I think there's both guys that are really sad that can hold back there emotions and give great feedback or people that make a post and make a great fuss of it everybody is different but I think keep it positive with feedback :smile:
You real?l:facepalm:That IS the problem they think they really are doing great and change nothing .I dont recall where{and when} but i saw a post from them saying the features and the content in this game is nearly complete:HOW such game at this point could be nearly complete:
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ToO mAny WhiNey KiDs
You are the kind of person who would s**k any gaming company's pee pee out of fanboyism. You remind me of those Fifa fanboys.
Taleworlds shouldn't have charged so much money for an incomplete and broken "alpha" game. This game costs Rs 2,249 which i paid for with full confidence because of the SUPER-BIASED Glorious Reviews the like of you. That's the same price as Red Dead Redemption 2 for PS4 in my country. Taleworlds is the middle eastern version of Hello Games (No Man's Sky)

We paid money for it, and it is our right to complain.
People like you are the reason why we get sh*t games all the time, because you fanboys simply cant handle criticism towards a company you shill from the bottom of your b*tthole.
Taleworlds is a company that doesn't need our "support" money to stay afloat. They are funded by the Turkish Govt and their workplace expenses are paid for by Middle East Technical University.

Its funny some people are saying it will be great in its finished state. What a joke. A company that relies on its rabid fanbase to fix its problems (for free) has no ethical standards to provide a quality product.

I have never ranted/complained on this game before. In fact i never rant about games in general. But the title of this post made me speak out. Gaming companies cares about cash alone. As long as we blindly support them, they have no reason to change themselves..
+++ It's a shame that average customer is way below average iq and that's basically the issue with most of the ****ty products. No-one takes idiots seriously because they will buy everything anyways.
Ah yes, just like any developer is technically a business trying to gain profit. That doesn't excuse high price points on unfinished or unworthy products. You're being completely irrational. It's not at all like going into a restaurant and eating their meal and complaining it sucks, I ate a raw meal and then complained that it sucks. You can't get mad at someone for doing that. If you went into a restaurant and took a bite of raw steak you'd want to leave a 1 star review on Yelp too. If they lowered the price after doing it, then it'd be a different story. Plenty of Early Access games gain revenue in the early days, and news flash, the more affordable your game is sometimes you get more sales and more peaked interest. I paid $50 for a day's worth of campaign content, multiple people have already basically finished SP and people I know personally have already done the same. MP is actually just the beta slapped onto the SP .exe. You say the game isn't worth the money yet somehow I'm being irrational for saying exactly that? What are you actually arguing?

Rust was around $20, probably one of the most profitable decisions for Facepunch and look at them now. Garry's Mod is $10 and has been pretty much since release and it's been one of the most profitable decisions for Facepunch. Gmod is timeless and always will be and has a price point that anyone can meet and have tons of fun with. Bannerlord is 5x the price for 1/1000 of the content and an EA tag slapped on it.

Humble yourself, I didn't pay for raw food, especially when the food has been cooking for this long.

What kind of unintelligent baboon like attempt at an insult was this? You have just admitted the game is not worth the price point yet somehow you claim that the undying loyalty of the (mainly) SP community to a product with nothing but promises that as of right now have yet to be fulfilled is somehow justified and I'm wrong for saying they're on a sinking ship.

I hope you prepared yourself for an actual response and not the mindless garbage that you and people of your exact mindset seem to keep blurting out.
Did the steak take 8 years to prepare
Since they anounced that soon gonna be Early Access release, i knew, there will be some people, that will cry and whine about everything in the game, but i couldn't imagine how many there will be.

People, chill the f*ck down. This is early access, show some respect to TaleWorld and say thanks, for giving you a good discount number and early access to try and play the game. Stop whining like a little bit*hes and have some pation to wait for future updates, fixes and etc. Early access means that you can play the game and help out developers fix everything, to make game playble, enjoyble and fun.You do not suppose to have FUN right now.

People that make this stupid topics how they are dissapointed are completely ungratefull idiots that can't just appreciate the new part of Mount And Blade history.

Game is awesome and has a very bright and beautifull future. If you want to share your opinion, do it the right way, respecting TaleWorlds and their work. They read everything and i am pretty sure they see what community wants and soon they will do it.

You are talking about consumers who paid 45 EUR for a product that doesn't work at all.

We can demand that the game doesn't crash every time we launch it.
We can demand that everyone should be able to enter the main menu.

Early access/beta/alpha is for testing bugs, exploits, balance, performance etc.
The game shouldn't be sold via Steam if it doesn't work at all for some of us.
Not being able to start the game without a crash for no obvious reason is something that should be dealt with years before early access.

If the game was free I'd understand your point. But since we paid,we can demand that it has some basic functionality.

What you suggest sounds like going to a store, paying 45 EUR for 100 kg apples and receiving a 100kg turd and then smiling about it and thanking the person that "created" it.

So I do agree, the crashes were a little ridiculous. Many of the bugs and crashes really were unexpected, even for an early access (typically, in game design you do playtest your first release, even for early access), however, I do not blame them for the price. The point of early access is that you dont have to buy the game when it is released. If you dont want to play an unfinished game and watch it develop, THEN DONT!
The point of early access is that you dont have to buy the game when it is released.
What kind of gibberish is this? It turns out that 99% of eArLy aCceS fanboys don't even know what ea is, how it works and what's it's purpose. But looking at BL ea state and pricing i doubt that even TW understands it's concept. EA doesn't give company the right to sell some half product (in this case i wouldn't even say it's half done) for full price and only with some impossible to enforce promise of finishing it in the future.
You real?l:facepalm:That IS the problem they think they really are doing great and change nothing .I dont recall where{and when} but i saw a post from them saying the features and the content in this game is nearly complete:HOW such game at this point could be nearly complete:

You must not have coded too much to think fixing all those goddamn crashes isn't great work. Programming is silly like that, sometimes a character out of place in some obscure subroutine you wrote 3 months ago will screw your program over. And more often than not, there's no valgrind/sanitizer/whatever that'll help you. I'm really impressed they managed to
a) Reproduce and test all those crashes
b) Produce a fix for them
in such a short time.

When that stuff is taken care of, they'll start implementing new features. It doesn't make sense to add too many features to something with a shakey base. Sometimes it'll be fine, sometimes you'll realize stuff has to be rewriten (especially in optimizing) and you lose precious time.
I'm sorry but this whole thread is stupid.

We, as a community, have been fortunate enough to test, criticize, suggest improvements or mod improvements since the earliest days of the franchise. Taleworlds thrives in this environment, always has.

Criticism is very important and it shows that people care about this game. Telling these people, who are fans, that they are a bunch of whiners is a dumb argument and very disrespectful.
Regardless of whether anyone on either side has any points to make, this particular thread is completely unhelpful.
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