MP To Developers -> Please bring back Warbands Bastard sword behaviour

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Please bring back the bastard sword behaviour where idle animations are one handed, but the swings are two handed.
There is no need to press "X" (Alternative item usage) to change between 1h and 2h
Automatically works equipping and unequipping shields, was much smoother experience

I don't want to disrespect anyone, but this is the result of not having done a thorough documentation process of all the areas (which in Bannerlord are many) in the period of creation of the GDD.

I don't mean to be disrespectful but:

This is a image of the mocap tests with someone who is not trainedsomeone who is trained

This is a wrong animation for couched lance (Bannerlord)This is a correct animation for couched lance (Warband)

There are animations... let's say... "badly thought out" also for archery, for two-handed swords as the OP says... and a long etc.
I don't think all animations are badly thought-out i think a lot of it is done particular-way for a reason.

This video explains it pretty well:

TLDR: Real sword fighting techniques do not translate too well into videogames visual language, especially for higher learning curve games with directional blocking / attacks and fast-paced exchanges like M&B. Might be better for click n slashers.

Back when warband first came out @Papa Lazarou came out with some pretty awesome (more HEMA-like) animations. However they were not used too widely in other mods except for the bow reloading and pike-bracing / shield bash probably because of that reason.
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Indeed some of the animations feel like they are (hopefully) temporary stand-ins and I do hope tw gets around to improving them. Excellent links though I do like the discussion about game vs real sword fighting and the whole concept of how to simulate it fascinates me.

Holding a correct guard is the first detail I look at and I think this is something that bl gets right. In the warband example, the model enters the low guard idle position too quickly after a two handed swing to feel natural and I personally prefer pressing x to change between a 1 handed or 2 handed guard. Entering warband’s idle position for the bastard sword after a certain period of inactivity would be very cool tho and would also feel natural.
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