BEAST - Bannerlord Early Access Skirmish Tournament

BEAST is the first Bannerlord Skirmish tournament in Europe.

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Time Zones & Daylight saving

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Time Zones​

Official tournament time is GMT/BST depending on the time of year.

Many European countries use Daylight Savings which means that they change the clocks twice a year.

The clocks are set forward one hour from standard time during the summer months, and back again in the autumn, in order to make better use of natural daylight.

From Oct - March UK is on GMT time and from March - Oct on BST.
Similarly much of Europe (maybe not for much longer) uses CET from Oct - March and CEST from March - Oct.
(Turkey stopped using daylight savings about 5 years ago).

GMT + 1 = BST = CET = CEST -1


Many online timezone converters will automatically correct for daylight savings, so you can look up CET but be shown CEST

The very best way of agreeing a time is to use a countdown. For the stream section time and is used *click here*.
The benefit of this is that you set the countdown to the start time you want in your own time zone and everyone who looks at it can see how many hours are left until the time and therefore easily work out the time for their own timezone.

For example the following timer counts down until the end of Daylight Saving in 2021 *click here*

Some countries use DST but have different change dates. For European competitions this is usually not relevant although sometimes we have a US team and they (as usual) get it slightly wrong and start 2 weeks earlier and end a week later!

Hope this is clear. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
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