time to receive the license code after paying

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i'm a new player and i have a question forgot by the faq, how many time it makes to receive the licence code after you pay on line ?

thanks for the response, but i pay and no receive any mail immediatly, i think a d'ont made a mistake in the action... strange !!
I also tried to buy it, but after submitting the information I was teturned to the previous page (the one with the buy button). I also use Mozilla. Could that be the problem? (I'm from South Africa)
i dont think mozilla works... you either must have a credit card...or use paypall...im not 100% sure on this, maye if you could ask armagan
ok, the first time i tryed, i was retourned to first page, i tryed a second time ans it worked finaly... great, so try again i think mortis ! :wink:
that problem happened to me and some other guy aswell.

Seem's to be a bug sometime's you get returned to the previous page.
I don't think it charges you twice or anything though.
checked the pages, n stuff, and Paypal (eBay) and Mozilla, tis not an uncommon occurane, they don't charge you twice, and it tends to work properly the second time

Jez XxX
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