Time slider.

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i just wanted to suggest a time slider. like in the Medieval games where you can speed up time. and i just thought it would be cool to have this in "Map" mode because some times when im playing a merchant. i want to go to a place and sometimes feel like i click on the destination then go to sleep for a while. so, a time slider would be nice.
I've made a similar point in one of my posts. So totally agree with you. A time slider would help to reduce the increasing tedium* of the campaign game.

* I know the game is in beta, but sorry, the campaign side of the game does not do it for me... I feel a new thread coming on...
Good idea. Should be an option, maybe two keys F11 and F12 to change. Can go from half speed to normal to double to quadruple.
I would like this. When I first got the game I spent some time hitting every key to see which ones affected time...
Or, something cool could be added to make travels a bit more interesting (something related to a training minigame???)

I'm a Nintendo fan, and this is nintendo philosophy: everything in game is a game, so even if you are making an rpg, which reason blocks you from making even a sword swing a moment to play interactively? I'm referring to Super Mario RPG for SNES, paper mario for N64 and other GBA, gamecube titles, where hitting a buttoun at the right time doubles the damage "delivered".

When i go out with my bike to make exercise, i rather mountain and open fields, or even city streets to boring state roads.


trasforming some "just numerical" skills like pathfinding (or training) in arcade and therefore "active" parts of the game...
to port another example in GTA S.Andreas, when you use the bike you can speed up by pushing the "forward" button.

Think of it.
i forgot the SUGGESTION PART eheheh...

with M&B to speed up you should use something that reminds to making a "directional decision" at the right time. my idea is to add something near to the dancing game or the Shenmue action parts, like when he has to chase the thief in the streets and you have to push the buttons as they appear to avoid unwanted falls...
A dancing game? Surely, you joust.

Hmmm... GTA: San Andreas has a dancing game that we could emulate: you have to jump in time to the moving directional arrows. Except in our mini-game arrows are being shot at you! Well, perhaps not.

But I'd probably end up playing any mini-game incorporated into the game.
I repeat my suggestion from the other thread. Use accelerated time while a key is pressed down. A slider could be a bit frustrating if you set it to fast and some "interesting" enemy party suddenly shows up.

I dont want to accidentally run into a bunch of slow enemies when I am carrying goods to another city.
i meant it would be something related to the direction to choose... so that when an arrow (or, why not, a letter) is shown on the screen and you press that key the speed gains a temporary bonus.
zaleukos said:
I repeat my suggestion from the other thread. Use accelerated time while a key is pressed down. A slider could be a bit frustrating if you set it to fast and some "interesting" enemy party suddenly shows up.

I dont want to accidentally run into a bunch of slow enemies when I am carrying goods to another city.

yeah, well, i didnt say it but i intended that there was a possibility to either move the slider manually if you want it to go to max speed and back quickly but if you want to slowly vary the speed use the + and - keys.

And Zoltan, you sure can dribble on with crap. i still dont understand what your saying,
*helpless laughter* reece

Well a mini game would be neat i think you had a post about fighting you own guys to train them.... I think it would be cool if we incorated camping into the game.... :lol:
Your idea is awesome Berny, a "training battle" whilst camping would be an awesome addition to gain extra XP and to train your troops to get their XP up. however, i dont think i'd consider that a "mini game" a mini game would have to be somthing like the tourns, and i think it would be cool to have like a propper jousting tourn, an archery tourn....etc and a propper ranking system. any of you have seen "Knights Tale" would know what im talking about. even cutting the ranking system and leaving it at paying a certain amout to enter then the winner collects all the entry fees from the other competitors.
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