thrust hit zones

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I often think: hey - this thrust was placed correct - but no hit!
This also seems unbalanced in my opinion.
I've noticed lances going through bodies without causing any that what you are talking about? Because I'm almost positive that issue has something to do with speed.
I'm okay with the actual thrust and the damage-zone it creates in front of you, but what bugs me is that you cannot stand in a tight line and thrust there because you'll most likely hit the person on your right...
This is an issue that's kinda hard to deal with, as everyone sees this differently.
first you have to take into account lag-  as with any amount of lag/ping (i never remember which is the right one on this topic) you will see things 'slightly' differently to the server,  and with a precision weapon like a bow or spear that slight difference might mean the difference between a hit or a miss.
also take into account your point of view-  it might LOOK like you hit them when you are looking down from atop a horse, or in a chaotic fight, but in fact it was inches from their face, or just past their hip.

MANY times I've had a lancer/spearman call bull**** on me, when from my point of view the spear tip was nowhere near me.

On the other hand, I've experienced the other side of this too-  when i could swear hands down my spear hit them but no damage was dealt. it happens fairly infrequently for me (i use spears a lot btw) and when it does happen it tends to be in high ping games, or when im not really paying attention.
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