However in singleplayer they plain suck. They seem to have reduced the ammo count when they made them melee-possible, as if they were balanced in the first place, yet the melee isn't very good and the ammo was way too low to begin with. For singleplayer only I'd make javelins have 12 stacks per stack, throwing axes 9 per stack, and others more, and perhaps add some high-end thrown for high power throw. Because it seems to be that they're just not having enough to be very useful against an army in singleplayer. I mean, at high bow skill, I can be headshotting one enemy after the other with a masterwork war bow, dispatching enemies left right and centre and get over 60 shots off before I run out, wheras with thrown, well, you barely get anything done.
I just think thrown does need improving for single player, it's fine for multiplayer though.