Throwing weapons distance is ridiculuos - it must be reduced

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I downloaded the installer yesterday and this is my first impression/suggestion - the enemy throws daggers and such as if it shoots with AK-47. They throws their daggers from a distance I barely can see them. Visually it looks like from more then hundred meters. No one can throw anything from this distance. After all what is the use of bows and xbows when a simple dagger flies much longer?
And the second - at first I tried to take a position with my bow at hights with steep and unaccesible slope below... (Total War - hint, hint) but the enemies have no problems to climb a 60 degrees slope! Actually my horse didn't have any problem climbing the same slopes too - just a little bit slower then on large
True, the throwing range is much too big and soldiers climb mountains nimbly as goats. It's a bit odd.

The men's javelin throw world record for the current javelin design is under 100 meters. Those aren't designed for optimal range (They're actually designed to limit throw distance so people won't throw them out of the stadium), but it still gives you some degree of perspective.
Throwing things is the only form of supernatural magic stuff that made it into the game, except javelins maybe. Though I'd prefer throwing knives and axes were not in, I can live with them. Just a bit annoying.

In general, all the ranged weapons in the game could use some tweak down.
Actually with a dagger you can hit something AND do some damage on a distance not more then few meters. Even if you succeed to hit a target at a distance of (say) 20 meters, the dagger will just hit the target and will drop on the ground without doing any damage because when flying it will lose all its kinetic energy and punching power.
I totally agree, throwing weapons are mostly used from closer range,
and although it's true they are easier to control, hit harder, and are more accurate than arrows (due to weight) they are also slower and lose their velocity much quicker, rendering them useless after a certain small range.
There's more to thrown daggers and axes. In order to hit anything you have to make it spin. The spin value has to be adjusted so the blade is aligned with flight path at the exact time of impact - that's difficult to do. Circus knife thrower keeps training their whole life to perfect throwing from a certain fixed distance. He'd have troubles with it if the target distance had been increased, not to mention throwing under the battle conditions where everything is on the move.

Don't think that makes carying around tens of small unwieldy items worth it.
That's why i put knife and axe throwing among the Bearded Woman and the Strongest Man in the World.
Manitas said:
There's more to thrown daggers and axes. In order to hit anything you have to make it spin. The spin value has to be adjusted so the blade is aligned with flight path at the exact time of impact ...

heh, make it spin ? you've been watching too much tv lately man ...
daggers, javelins and most throwing weapons are made to fly in a straight path, just like ... an arrow.
a projectile which spin may get some velocity/power due to spinning but the impact of a large body against air vs small body (or a spinning knife vs. a straight knife) will ultimatly make it slower, and less powerful after say 5 meters.
svart said:
heh, make it spin ? you've been watching too much tv lately man ...
I was reffering to axes and knives only, I've stated that explicitly.

Because of their shape, arrows and javelins have the ability to self stabilize using air resistance force (an arrow released under zero atmosphere conditions would certainly spin). Thats not true about knives and axes. if you dont make em spin as you want, they will spin unpredictably. Go try if you don't believe.
Manitas said:
svart said:
heh, make it spin ? you've been watching too much tv lately man ...
I was reffering to axes and knives only, I've stated that explicitly.

Because of their shape, arrows and javelins have the ability to self stabilize using air resistance force (an arrow released under zero atmosphere conditions would certainly spin). Thats not true about knives and axes. if you dont make em spin as you want, they will spin unpredictably. Go try if you don't believe.

oh i didn't notice you said axes and knives only.

i've been throwing axes and knives occasionally until a few years ago, you're right throwing axes are made to spin, but also they are useless as a throwing weapon since their range is pathetic.
that's why i said "most throwing weapons" i don't consider axes to be one of the main ones, and in history they were just normal handaxes thrown anyway.

as for throwing knives, you should realize most throwing knives (not used for performance, but rather as shooting range or real weapons) have their center of weight in the edge so they won't spin around the middle pivot like most knives.
if you pick a normal knife, it will spin around it's center of gravity any other knife

i have one knife specifically made for spinning, the center of weight is around the 1/3 (near the grip) so if you throw it with enough spins it will miss the blunt edge and get stuck with the sharp edge (i was quite puzzled why it hit with the edge like 9 out of 10 times until i checked it out)

but other than looking nice, the ones i usually threw (straight throwing) were a lot more accurate and acted less strangely than the spinning one. (which had a habit of hitting too high sometimes)
That's right! We'd call them a scrip of axes.

Javelins, though, were carried in sachels or quivers. "Bag" works just fine.
...Thinking of sachels though, I think we need a graphic to show jarid in their quivers when we're walking around town. :twisted:
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