Resolved Throwing weapons clipping through players

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Version number
Summary: Throwables going through the body of a player
How to Reproduce:
Scene Name (if related): Echerion
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10 Home
GPU: 3060 ti
GPU Driver Version:
CPU: 10700k
RAM: 32gb
Motherboard: Tomahawk MSI
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
But you didn't even throw spear or javelin :smile: .You switched too quickly to another weapon before throwing animation had finished thus canceling the throw. It's the trail that has been buggy since forever.
I think this shouldn't be possible to happen regardless if I cancel or not, on my screen the jav is thrown so I switch to my weapon but on the server it isn't registered...
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