When purchasing the game via PayPal by credit card, you may need to wait for one business day, as Tanaburs and Narcissus have stated above. However if you are paying for your PayPal order by cheque or bank transfer, it may take up to a week for the issuing bank to clear your payment and we can send your key only after your payment has been cleared. Therefore, it may take up to one week to receive your key if you are ordering by PayPal and making your payment with a bank transfer.
Did you already have the money in your PayPal account? If so ... or if you transfered the money to PayPal from a credit card ... then yes, you should.
If you wrote a check or are using a straight bank transfer it could take up to a week for the money to clear and for TaleWorlds to actually recieve the money.
If you cannot get the online activation or the off-line activation working ... then you need to e-mail Armagan. Include a copy of the e-mail you received with your order ... the one that has your serial key.
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