Thousands of dolphins thwart pirate capture of Chinese ships

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Gulf of Aden -

Somalian pirates can only wonder in amazement as they are blockaded by thousands of dolphins. It is believed that the spirit of Zhang Fei summoned the dolphins.

This has got to be some sick joke. Look at the headlines of 'showbiz' :
Miley Cyrus, her mother and sister ride in a convertible on Easter Sunday and stop at Robeks to get a smoothie after church.

I agree, seems suspicious. Also, judging from the angle of the picture in the article, it seems to have been taken aboard the pirate's ship, or at least a ship on the other side of the "dolphin wall". If so, why would the idiot post it on the internet ?
Eh, nope, its a real website.

It is, however, a Chinese website - censorship...etc

I never knew the Chinese were actually Allies, though.
AFAIK, they aren't. I mean, they did do their best to drive the Chinese river dolphin to extinction (nobody is quite sure if they *are* extinct yet, but probably). But maybe these dolphins were the ancestral enemies of the river dolphin, and they're just trying to thank the Chinese?
Mage246 said:
AFAIK, they aren't. I mean, they did do their best to drive the Chinese river dolphin to extinction (nobody is quite sure if they *are* extinct yet, but probably). But maybe these dolphins were the ancestral enemies of the river dolphin, and they're just trying to thank the Chinese?
Or maybe the Christian God is protecting Chinese trade, seeing how much we buy from that ****ing country.
CrazyEyes said:
Mage246 said:
AFAIK, they aren't. I mean, they did do their best to drive the Chinese river dolphin to extinction (nobody is quite sure if they *are* extinct yet, but probably). But maybe these dolphins were the ancestral enemies of the river dolphin, and they're just trying to thank the Chinese?
Or maybe the Christian God is protecting Chinese trade, seeing how much we buy from that ****ing country.

Nah, tis teh J00's god, lookin out for their interests.
CrazyEyes said:
Mage246 said:
AFAIK, they aren't. I mean, they did do their best to drive the Chinese river dolphin to extinction (nobody is quite sure if they *are* extinct yet, but probably). But maybe these dolphins were the ancestral enemies of the river dolphin, and they're just trying to thank the Chinese?
Or maybe the Christian God is protecting Chinese trade, seeing how much we buy from that ****ing country.

If the ship was going in the direction of Somalia, it's reasonable to assume that it's not headed for North America. It's likely that it's headed for the Sub-Saharan countries that have Chinese investment, there's even a remote chance that it's carrying armaments and munitions to these places as a report from the BBC would suggest.
It's much more likely that the JUJUs under the mountains are protecting the ship via communications with the dolphins than any Western or Asian Pacific deity.
Mage246 said:
AFAIK, they aren't. I mean, they did do their best to drive the Chinese river dolphin to extinction (nobody is quite sure if they *are* extinct yet, but probably). But maybe these dolphins were the ancestral enemies of the river dolphin, and they're just trying to thank the Chinese?

Yeh, the species of Yellow River dolphins are extinct. It pissed me off for a while, before I realized that it was just one of the many things to come.
Well the thing is that every so often someone claims to see one, but they're never able to verify it.
Regardless, even if there were 2 or 3 left, they don't have enough to breed again.
Them Tibetans must be getting angry, seeing as Karma is taking the piss.
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