Thoughts on getting knocked down and armor

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Those in armor who fall from their horses or are knocked over in battle should take a substantially longer time to stand on their own two feet than their unencumbered comrades do.

Additionally, damage taken from falling from high places should be increased for those wearing heavy armor and, perhaps, those who fall from horses should take damage as well (armored or not), the magnitude of which depends on how fast the horse was moving at the time, and how deep the fall was.
Those in armor who fall from their horses or are knocked over in battle should take a substantially longer time to stand on their own two feet than their unencumbered comrades do.
Additionally, damage taken from falling from high places should be increased for those wearing heavy armor
I don't know if this was something very obvious that everyone knows, but I fail to see why should someone in chainmail suffer more than someone without it (Maybe a little, but no much).
those who fall from horses should take damage as well (armored or not), the magnitude of which depends on how fast the horse was moving at the time, and how deep the fall was.
Taking more damage from falls while in armor would be a matter of force. The more mass you have, the harder you hit the ground (and the harder the ground hits you).
Ah yes. Shame on me. I thought that the speed doesn't increace so it doesn't increace damage. I forgot that F = ma. :sad: (well didn't forget, but I didin't realize at the time I was writing).
leo said:
Taking more damage from falls while in armor would be a matter of force. The more mass you have, the harder you hit the ground (and the harder the ground hits you).

On the other hand, some types of armor protect you from such damage. For example plate armor would lessen the impact, I guess, because it was padded inside. Don't forget that the special tournament armor suits were much heavier than battle armor (sometimes so much that the contestants had to be lifted on the horses), and this was to increase the safety of the contestants. Since these were jousting tournaments and falls from horses were quite common, it's safe to assume that the armor offered protection rather than otherwise.
I agree with Kamamura. If the player wears no helmet he should get more damage perhaps, but indeed people in heavy armour should stay down for a longer time.
Heck, there were in late medieval times so heavy armor that it was impossible to mount a horse by yourself, fighting when lying on your back would be cool, at least it would be something to make the heavier armors have more drawbacks than just encumbrance.
Heck, there were in late medieval times so heavy armor that it was impossible to mount a horse by yourself

I disagree, maybe jousting armour, which wieghed anywhere from 60-80 pounds or so, but combat armour never went past 50 pounds, ive seen an illustration in one of my books demonstrating that armoured knights have full range of motion, can jmup, mount thier horses, even doing what seems to be a pushup

correct me if im wrong please

Definitely it should take longer to get up when you are wearing heavy armor, but I disagree that falling in heavy armor would do more damage than falling without. Both you and the armor fall at the same rate, and when you reach the ground you both stop at the same rate as well. Yes, you fall with more force overall -- you'll do more damage to anything you happen to fall on -- but that force is going to be largely absorbed by the armor, so you won't feel it from the inside. The biggest danger would be falling down the side of a hill and rolling -- it'd be a lot harder to stop yourself if you're in heavy armor than it would be without.
You get good movement etc in plate armour, you can roll from horseback when knocked off at a canter (have seen it, she even ran afer her horse too!)

My armour is approx 25 kgs and it moves just fine. I used to think plate was 'orrible, but now I would rather wear twice the weight in plate, than chain becuase it is more distributed and is easier to manuver in (especially getting up off the ground)

Just my two groats worth
You guys are still thinking about the Gary Gygax rules of armor. If real armor was really so encumbering they would have all died like sitting ducks or tortoises laying on their backs. The vision may have been impaired but they could kick your ass even without any weapons other than the armor. Gosh darn it.
Did you have to mention the GG spawn of satan? He who is indirectly responsible for first the rape then the quietly removing of what I consider the best fantasy p&pRPG that exists...
Being of course DragonQuest...

And as far as the armour and getting up stuff... sure it would take a few seconds longer than someone not wearing plate, but if you spent everyday all day in a suit, i think you would build muscle strenght asnd get used to it...

The few times I've worn chainmail, I didn't have too many problems standing up, but the fact that it made me topheavy was kind of unbalancing which leads to this comical view of legs trying to catch up to torso so as not to fall over again.. :lol: (when running a race anyway)
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