Thoughts and Suggestions

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Like everyone else is bound to say, I am happily bound to playing this game. Even though my friends say it's retarded, it's quite a bundle of joygasm.

Anyway, two things on my mind.

What are your (the developers) thoughts about online and ocal area connection play?

Not sure if this is a suggestion but wanted to keep issues within one message. Will weapon skills for allies be allowed to be spent, like Stats and Abilities?
Lead dev already said multiplayer is out of the question this far into Mount and Blade but M&B2 will look into this more.
I think there's something wrong with Borcha. He doesn't move in battle. I hit him in the back with a javelin to see if he'd move. Then I pinned his horse to death. Is he sick? He just stands there with his arms around his body. :sad:

@eisiger biskuit
Even though my friends say it's retarded, it's quite a bundle of joygasm.

are this game-star readers, playing only the high-end, graphix turbo spectacle uber games????

if yes, i got some of this sort too :wink:
especially when i play combat missions BB/AK, than they lough at it, dont knowing that it is one of the most accurate games in tactical WW2 fights.

sometimes i think game star makes them dumb :wink:

one suggestion i have is in most games like this the thing that makes me want to play more and more is the uniquenes ex. specail weapons like extra cut damadge or *10 to strength that kinda thing it makes it more fun
You mean like a add on of say, 3 strength? well, i really don't see how that is even possible, and M&B is a realistic game, almost to the point of being a sim....
Balor said:
Hmm, gotta add this to the FAQ. It happeneds when you give him a weapon he cannot use.

Shouldn't apply in .750 though. He should start swinging ----- argh this is serious necromancy! Why why why? Manslayer, your post has almost nothing to do with this thread

Try some of the mods. Darkmod and Last Days have unique weapons (neither is available for .750 though).
calandale said:
Balor said:
Hmm, gotta add this to the FAQ. It happeneds when you give him a weapon he cannot use.

Shouldn't apply in .750 though. He should start swinging ----- argh this is serious necromancy! Why why why? Manslayer, your post has almost nothing to do with this thread

Try some of the mods. Darkmod and Last Days have unique weapons (neither is available for .750 though).

Look at the dates :roll:

well, i'm glad people are ressurecting old threads....
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