Those looking for a Regiment, please look here!

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For those of you that are looking for an organized regiment to join, please look just above this forums listing for the "Regiments" forum and click there. 

You will find quite a few regiments there that are looking for new and old players alike that will treat you well and show you what the game is all about!  There are some great communities on here, and with the growing population of this game we can truly have a lot of fun.

Also check out the "Community Events" forum just under the "Regiments" forum if you are looking for a community to line battle in!

If anyone ever has any questions about the game, please feel free to P.M. me and I'll do my best to help you out!

Minute_Men_Clam, I don't believe I mentioned the NEC in this post at all, thus making your comment almost irrelevant to this post... :roll:

And Marchal Davout, I just thought it would help newer players.  I've seen a bunch of people asking to be recruited on here and was just pointing out where they could go to check out a number of regiments  :smile:  Just trying to help out is all.
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