This mod is absolutely amazing.

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I've had the game for about 6 months and this is the first time I've tried a mod, and I'm glad this is the one I decided to try. When coupled with the graphic update mod suggested with the download, it breathes new life into a game that had begun to get extremely bland.

The new banners, the new armour and weapons and the reworked combat system and damage and especially the new animations make combat feel very, very medieval like, very dark, just like medieval combat should feel like.

Altogether, I've played it for 10 minutes and I'm absolutely in awe. To the guys that made this mod, a congratulations on such a fantastic achievement and a big thankyou for making this game 100% better for me, and no doubt for everybody else that plays it.

HOWEVER. I need some advice on how to play. I can't win a battle, even with the settings on easiest damage to me and my party, and my party outnumbers the enemy 2 or even 3-1. I understand that the mod was made to be challenging, but I'm not a masochist and i don't get off on losing every single battle i fight.
Of course my soldiers are all recruits... I can't find any groups of enemies to train up my soldiers with that aren't wearing heavy armour and don't kill my own soldiers in 1 hit with a 30 foot pike.
Yeah, I love this mod too but I had to import a character that was level 12 and had a couple thousand denars so I could recruit some horsemen.  Once you get the ball rolling you'll love it because the bandit fights are decent challenges,plus the tournaments are simply awesome.  I just couldn't find anyone to fight with my level 1 character and a bunch of recruits.  I wandered around looking for anything I may have a chance against and found a 15 man bandit party or whatever party it was.  They hacked us to bits and took what little I had.  Anyway it is tough to get started if you start fresh with a new character.
Otherwise it's a great mod and worth getting into no matter how you go about that.
Start winning tournaments, recruit companions and mercenaries + recruits. That should do it. Level yourself and victory is near  :wink:

The Start is (when played on full difficulty) not easy. But that's what really pushes it again.
I'm on my feet now. I made a new character and gave him trainer skills, then recruited Lezalit who also had 4 in the trainer skill, and recruited Vageirs and upgraded them to the guys with massive spears, and i can beat the outlaws and sea raiders now.
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