This is so stupid

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Knight i am so tired of this happening in every single game i've played to day, i means its complete crap that people can do this. please get rid of it.
God damn it. I even put on my proxy because it was blocked in my country due to copyrights.
I've been epicly rickrolled :sad:
Not another one said:

Not another one, I suggest you get your fat ass out of this place before

1: A admin rapes you for spamming.
2: I rape you for the fun of it.
nordman101 said:
Not another one said:

Not another one, I suggest you get your fat ass out of this place before

1: A admin rapes you for spamming.
2: I rape you for the fun of it.
1. this is general chat get over it
2. u mad bro?
Naw, it's warband discussion. General chat goes on in the Anachronist's guild or in Fun stuff, but Nordmann has strolled over from there and that would be the general attitude you'd receive with this kind of thread. Slightly less coarse, generally, but the sentiment is still there.
Stupid advertisements take away from the goodness. It's not the same when you see it's the video but you are watching a commercial first :sad:. Sad.
Not another one said:
nordman101 said:
Not another one, I suggest you get your fat ass out of this place before

1: A admin rapes you for spamming.
2: I rape you for the fun of it.
1. this is general chat get over it
2. u mad bro?

I sense lack of self-preservation in this one.
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